v. potions

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Naomi walked to her next class. She was with Jaspier not too long ago but they parted ways after knowing that Jaspier has an elective class. She checked her schedule and went straight to the dungeons after seeing that she has potions with Professor Snape.

She met Evelyn on the staircases, she had Herbology before, and decided to walk together towards their Potions' class. The two talked about their studies, like the studious Ravenclaws truly are. It was mostly all about the lessons being hard, and about Evelyn's newly hatred towards the subject of Divinitions.

"It was rubbish! Trelawney told me something about generations after generations blooming continuously. I don't know what she means! How am I supposed to ace that class and learn something?!" She ranted, "In addition, Potter got a Grim."

Naomi did not need any knowledge about Divinitions just to know that this so-called Grim is bad. Knowing the third year Gryffindor, the so-called Chosen One, he seems to have no control on his bad lucks.

"Try lying?" Naomi suggested.

"Preposterous!" Evelyn answered, shivering at the thought.

"Lying about knowledge? That is not an answer to any of my problems. I cannot simply lie that I am learning something when in truth I didn't learn a thing! My soul couldn't handle it." Evelyn said. Like a true Ravenclaw. Just the thought of not learning anything uneased her.

"Well, it's among lying, acing, or..." Naomi stopped, side-eyeing her best friend beside her. Evelyn perched up at suspense.

"Rowena! Or what, Naomi?!" She said in distressed. Naomi almost laughed at the sight.

"Or drop the subject, Evie." Naomi smiled at her. She watched as her friend think about her choices.

"Think about it, it is still the first week of classes. You can catch up to another elective if you drop the subject now. You wouldn't need to learn a third year elective class in fourth year if ever you changed your mind at midterms." Naomi reasoned, trying her best to help Evelyn at her dilemma.

After that, the walk towards the dungeons became silent. With Evelyn weighing her alternatives to make a better decision.

Suddenly, Naomi looked towards Evelyn after a thought crashed in her mind.

"You said you have Herbology before Potions." Naomi started. Evelyn looked at her and nodded.
"Yeah, why?"

"Why were you at the floor of Professor Flitwick's classroom? The dungeons at the bottom floor, just like Herbology, where it occured outside at the Greenhouses." Naomi asked, genuinely curious.

"That's the thing, Professor Sprout's busy. We do not have class." She said smugly. Naomi gasped in envy.


"Yeah, I know. We stayed at the Greenhouses for about ten minutes before Professor Sprout told us that she was too busy. Apparently, someone destroyed the Green Vines and she had to attend to it." Evelyn explained, "I walked back at the common rooms and studied Divinitions."

"No wonder you're frustrated. I was wondering why were you frustrated when your class was finished and as far as I know, you don't have Divinitions today." Naomi said.

"Tell me about it." Evelyn said as both of them took the last step of the stairs, finding that they are already at the bottom floor.

"But Green Vines?" Naomi asked, intrigued. It does not take minutes for a smart student like Naomi to figure it instantly that whoever ruined the rare flowers would be punished severely.

Green Vines were known for being great defenders. It can be planted outside of homes to guard the house for protection. It crawled to those people entering homes who have dark intentions, gripping the intruders too tight and can only be loosened by a spell. The thing is, there are no students who learned the said spell. Also, Evie did said something about destroyed Green Vines, coming to the conclusion that the person who destroyed the protective flowers had no knowledge about the spell.

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