Journey to Hogwarts

217 7 0

September 1, 1991

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September 1, 1991

The King's Cross Station is packed with muggles. Loud, busy, working muggles. But that's how she like it, you see?

Muggles too busy minding their own business that they don't have the time to stop and watch the raven-haired girl walk with her luggage in a pushing cart.

Especially as she's alone.

Her father is an auror, a wizard police, who fights wizards who uses dark magic to cause havoc and chaos.

Her mother, a mediwitch, works at St. Mungos to help those wizards or witches get better from their sicknesses.

Both known in their own fields, always busy. Don't have the time to send their kid to Hogwarts at her first day of school.

They were regretful, yes.

Proud of her yet regretful.

She walked carelessly towards the brick wall between platform nine and ten. She did not look around for muggles before running towards it. She was that careless.

She was smart enough to know that it was enchanted, though. A kind of spell that'll cover you to not let the muggles see how you disappeared after crashing to the brick wall.

She appeared at the other side. The side with a bustling red train and shouting the word 'magic' all over it.

She smiled before settling her luggage at the back of the train with the other kids' luggage, but not before pocketing her pouch filled with galleons in her pockets. She entered the train, ignoring the students with their wailing mothers.

She is not bitter. She had her fair share of saying goodbyes with her mother crying and father comforting her back at her house.

She started to find an empty compartment for herself.

Which was not hard, since most of the kids are outside with their family.

She settled at the compartment with her book at her hand.

She was excited for Hogwarts.

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