xi. hogwarts' kitchen

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Naomi exited her last period with confusion. Not only was she not able to try the charm that repels boggarts, she too was confused on that fact that her new favorite teacher seems afraid of the full moon which Naomi thought to be one of the magnificent sights to see - next to the rising sun, of course.

She and her friends walked silently towards the Great Hall for dinner. They also did not get to try the charm with a real boggart. Nicole, who aspires to be a great auror someday, looked disappointed at the missed opportunity.

They entered the Great Hall and decided to sit in their own respective houses. They waved their hands as a goodbye, knowing that they will not be able to say it later after the feast. Naomi, Matt, Evelyn, and Eleanor sat next to each other in the Ravenclaw table. Since it is a normal dinner, the foods appeared in the exact time.

Naomi asked Matt to hand her the roasted chicken. She added some mashed potatoes. The four students ate silently. Too tired at today's event. The classes has officially started after all.

After dinner, students went straight in their own dorms. Eleanor and Evelyn bid their goodnights and went to sleep. Naomi do not feel sleepy at all. So she decided to be productive and started studying for her Arithmancy exam next week at the common room where the fire shone brightly.

The book Hogwarts: A History talked about the different histories of the people who founded Hogwarts. It contains information that student need to know about Hogwarts. Yet, no one really read the book that much. So the knowledge about the vast library located inside the Ravenclaw common room is only known by the professors, ravenclaws, the students who read the said book, and the Hogwarts' personnel.

Naomi always believed that the founder of Ravenclaw House - Rowena Ravenclaw - has a thirst for knowledge yet too lazy to walk around the enormous school and decided to build a library in the common room of her own house. Naomi would admit that it comes handy in times of procastination and exam weeks. That way, she would not need to stay in the school library while studying late at night and have a chance of being caught by Filch and her darn cat, Mrs. Norris.

However, studying late at night makes her stomach grumble. Naomi touched her stomach and looked around. It's a good thing that she was the only one in the common room. She might die in embarassment if ever someone heard the loud grumble of her stomach. She was craving some sweets.

Hesitantly, she opened the door of the common room. The ravenclaw common room can only be open by answering a riddle. So they are no need for a paintings to guard the common room. She walked quietly towards the kitchen.

The kitchen was located near the Hufflepuff's common room. Maybe that's the reason why only a few hufflepuffs eat breakfast at the Great Hall. Naomi tickled the pear of the painting and the handle of the door appeared. Naomi entered the kitchen. She watched a few house elves who were diligently cleaning the plates that were used this dinner.

After some time one house elf appeared right in front of her.

"How may I help you, miss?" He questioned happily. This one house elf in particular looked livelier than the rest. On top of that, he wore clothes that are extremely shiny yet Naomi found that it suits him wonderfully.

"Hi! Can I have some chocolate bars? Or something related to chocolate." Naomi requested.

"Dobby does not know any bar. However, Dobby knows that there are some chocolate cake left!" He said before running towards the stashed leftover cake. Naomi watched as Dobby moved around the kitchen, bumping at other elves. Dobby quickly went towards her. He was holding the cake and magically floating the utensils. He put the cake at a table and motioned for her to sit.

Naomi followed him and sat at the chair. Dobby smiled at her.

"Please call Dobby if there is anything that the miss wants!" Dobby exited with the same enthusiasm. Naomi nodded at the space that Dobby stood before.

"Thanks." She mumbled at the thin air. He was too energetic, even if it's late at night. Naomi couldn't keep up.

Naomi ate her cake, zoning out. She was only feeling the tirednes after having a conversation with the lively elf, Dobby.

She was too into her thoughts that she didn't notice the door of the kitchen opening.

Fred Weasley's mission was to get some butterbeer from the Hogwarts' kitchen for him and his room mates. He was the one that got lost in their game afterall.

However, he did not expect to see the subject of their conversation from today's lunch. Afterall, he always thought and believed that ravenclaws follow the rules blindly. Like a pet to their own owners. He did not expect to see a ravenclaw - especially Naomi Scott - a top student, in the Hogwarts' kitchen after curfew.

He observed her as she continue eating a cake while sitting on the stool. He doesn't have any time to continue staring when a house elf suddenly appeared right in front of him.

"Mr. Weasley, how may I help you?"

At the sound of the elf's voice, Naomi looked at his direction.

She saw one of the infamous troublemakers of Hogwarts. Though she was not sure which one is he. Naomi couldn't say that the sight of him in the kitchen was a rare sight to see. She kind of expected to see one of them wandering around Hogwarts' past curfew.

"Hi." Naomi finally blurted out. Though it sounds a little cold, even to her. She internally cringed. She sounded entitled!

Fred, however, see it as a greeting to a mere acquaintance. Especially to a senior student like him.

"Hello to you too." He smirked. He looked at her up and down as if he saw a rare being doing rarer things. He always believed in his beliefs that ravenclaws are stuck ups - like his brother, Percy.

"Can I have four cups of buttebeer please." He requested to the elf that did not move, still waiting on his requests. This was the same elf that always assisted them on their midnight snacks.

"Butterbeer?" Naomi questioned. Her forehead creased in question. Fred looked at her after her question. Godric! Did he regret that.

Naomi Scott, the third year ravenclaw student, looked at him with those tantalizing blue eyes of her. She only wore a gray sweater and some pyjamas yet she looked ethereal as hell. On top of that, her wavy black hair covered her shoulders like a siren. She looked like she was seducing him with that hooded eyes of her yet he knows that she was just tired because of her tired voice that gave away.

"Yeah. Why? Want some?" He unknowingly flirted. His past self would slap him.

"No, thank you." She politely declined. Obviously oblivious to his advances. Yet that made her more attractive in his eyes.

The house elf gave him his butterbeers. He looked at her to bid his goodbye and probably his goodnight but he was only met with her back facing him. She was washing the dishes that she used. He smiled while watching her figure as she wash her plates. He turned around and left.

He did not know how but he kind of understood why everyone likes her so much.

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