viii. popularity dilemma

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Naomi entered the library and looked around. She immediately searched for someone clad in slytherin outfit. She walked towards the shelves and peeked before finding Lorenzo Berkshire, burying himself in some potions book, in the potions' section.

"There you are." She said quietly. Lorenzo looked in her direction before smiling awkwardly. Naomi walked towards the empty seat next to him, where his bag was placed. He scrambled to get it before placing it on the table.

"Here I am." He said and laughed awkwardly. Naomi looked at him, brows furrowed, and smiled before taking her seat.

"What's wrong with you?" She chuckled. She searched her bags and pulled out her books. She placed them neatly in front of her and opened it to the right page.

"Nothing, nothing." He said before opening his own books. But he looked like he was trying to tell that to himself rather than answering the ravenclaw.

"Healing potion used simple ingredients but it has complicated steps. Have you done this?" Naomi asked and looked at him.

Lorenzo hummed and nodded.

"Yeah, my dad likes to concoct potions from time to time." He said.

"That's nice! At least one of us knew something." Naomi joked.

"I'm sure you can make this potion if you have proper practice. You're like the smartest girl in Hogwarts." Lorenzo said. Naomi laughed at what she thought was a joke before realizing Lorenzo's seriousness.

"Oh, you meant it?" She asked.

"Of course I do." He said before grabbing his bag and pulled out the ingredients.

"I think you put me in a high pedestal. I am so not the smartest." Naomi said before pulling out some small pot and lighted a fire with her wand but not before casting some light protection spell. Just a caution. Madam Pince would not appreciate a burnt book or a burnt library.

"Hmm, the whole school thinks so." He said and took a glance at her before focusing in arranging the ingredients. Naomi stopped for a while. The slytherin didn't notice the way the ravenclaw stopped her actions. Naomi's brows furrowed before asking out of curiosity.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked, curious.
"About? The whole school thinking about you being the smartest girl in Hogwarts?" Lorenzo asked. Naomi stopped arranging their pot and faced him.

"Yeah, do they think I'm some kind of know-it-all?" Naomi asked. Lorenzo looked at her in shock. He saw the worries and insecurities planted in her face.

"Oh, shit, you didn't know?" He asked. Naomi shook her head. Do the whole school think I'm some kind of a pushover? What if they thought I'm a teacher's pet? Am I some kind of a joke to the whole school without my knowledge?

"Naomi..." Lorenzo started. He can see the questions rolling in her head. The panic in her eyes. The way her breathing became ragged.

"Lorenzo." She called.

Lorenzo can see how desperate she is to know what her image is in the eyes of many. Her eyes begged him to tell her. He noticed it the way she called him.

"Naomi, you are like the most famous student at Hogwarts."


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