The boundaries got broken 🍋

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The lunch was over after some time as we started to discuss our plan for the day. "Honestly, I feel like not going anywhere today. We got 4 more days to enjoy, let's just hang around the pool area at night and rest for the day. " Hoseok suggested to which no one opposed, proving the journey was truly exhausting.

"Pool party. Okay, I'll get the pool ready for us. " Jin said, wiping his lips with the tissue.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Mingi asked.

"I wanna get some sleep. Let's watch after the pool party," I suggested to which he nodded in agreement. I went over to get my water glass, my eyes finding Mr Jeon wiping his mouth too. I recalled Ju-an's words and thought about talking to him.

I haven't spoken a single word with him, despite him being my professor and someone I know. I had a little conversation with everyone, except for him. The girls that were with us are really good and easy to talk to. All of them had connections with the group. Yuna being Hoseok's girlfriend, Maya being Yoongi's and Jiyeon being Jin's woman. Nana was supposed to join us later but her work got delayed, making it hard for her to join us any sooner.

"Didn't Mingi said that there will be only two other girls besides Y/n? There will be four soon," Ricky said to me as I smiled.

"You know Mingi," I remarked.

"Come on. Why would I lie about such a trivial thing? I just guessed and it was wrong," He said in his defence.

Everyone of us slowly got up from our chairs, ready to go back to our rooms. Ricky stayed by my side, as Taehyung joined in soon.

Ricky and Taehyung got along really well but Mingi seemed to not like him. I turned to him as Taehyung was busy with his conversation with Ricky.

"You don't seem to like Taehyung," My statement made him scoff.

"He seems too friendly. "

"That's a weird reasoning," I said, my eyes trailing off to the person behind Mingi. "Um, you go ahead. I need to talk to someone." I said, as he followed my gaze. He shrugged before joining in with Jin and his girlfriend.

I sighed, stopping on my step to wait for Jimin and Jungkook. They noticed me, as Jimin smiled. "Hey, what are you going to do now? Sleep? I was thinking we could play ps5 and spend the day before party time comes by,"

"I'll choose my sleep." I said, joining their walk.

"Yeah me too. Don't drag me into the gameplay, it hurts to see you all lose everytime," Mr Jeon cockily remarked, making Jimin roll his eyes.

"Yeah true but not everyday someone's going to win,"

"I win everyday. " He said, making Jimin accept his defeat.

"I'll go and ask Taehyung then." He said, leaving the us two in the very back as he jogged through the lobby to the front where Ricky and Taehyung are at.

"How's the vacation going?" Mr. Jeon suddenly asked, initiating the conversation.

"It's going well so far. I wasn't expecting to see you here, but I'm glad you're here," I replied, trying to keep my expression neutral.

"Glad? Why?" he inquired.

"I thought it might be awkward, but having familiar faces around is always comforting," I explained, attempting to downplay my feelings.

"That's true," he agreed as we approached the elevators. The others crowded into one, leaving no space for us. Taehyung noticed our predicament.

"Get on the other elevator, bye!" Jimin called out, shutting the doors.

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