To Save A Man

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Mom and Dad said their goodbyes at the front door, leaving me to see him off at the main entrance gate. His car was parked outside, the chauffeur informed after hearing about his departure.

Walking alongside him, I found myself still unable to speak. We made our way through the quiet pavement, the stars obscured by clouds and the moon struggling to shine through. As we reached the gate, the guard opened it, bidding farewell to Mr. Jeon with a gesture.

As we approached his car, I felt a tug at my heartstrings. I bit my lip, determined to keep my emotions in check. A sudden gust of wind tousled his hair as the gate lights illuminated him, briefly piercing through the darkness of the pavement.

In that moment, he looked remarkably alluring, his features softened by the gentle glow of the lights. His eyes held a captivating sparkle, and the slight curve of his lips hinted at a hidden charm. Despite my efforts to remain composed, I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my chest at the sight of him

The chauffeur handed him the car keys and respectfully bid us farewell before departing. Standing beside his car, I waited as he prepared to leave. He turned to me, and I met his gaze. "Thank you for having me over, Miss Y/n," he said politely.

"It was our pleasure to have you over. Please visit us again," I said, smiling warmly.

For a moment, he remained silent, his gaze piercing as if searching for something within me. Feeling uncomfortable under his intense scrutiny, I averted my eyes, pursing my lips in the process. He let out a sigh before getting into his car, his expression troubled.

After sitting in silence for a few moments, he rolled down his window and spoke, his voice tinged with concern. "Did I do something to offend you, Miss Y/n?" His question caught me off guard, and I quickly shook my head.

"No, not at all. I'm just not feeling myself today. I apologize if I gave you the wrong impression," I replied softly, hoping to alleviate any misunderstandings.

"Then my apologies for misreading the situation. I won't keep you any longer. Please, go back inside," he instructed, his tone gentle yet firm.

"Have a safe journey back home, Sir," I wished, stepping back as he rolled up his window and drove away. Turning on my heels, I walked back inside the gate, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within me.

"I need to take great care of you now," I said, giving a scolding to my heart and mind for playing tricks with me the entire time I was under Mr Jeon's presence.

My phone buzzed in the pocket of my sweatpants, interrupting my stroll towards the front door. Pausing in my tracks, I retrieved the phone and answered. It was Taehyung, my assistant.

"Hey, how's everything going?" he asked, the sound of papers shuffling in the background.

"One got replaced with another," I replied, my tone neutral.

"Oh no," he sympathized.

"Yeah, it's unfortunate," I said, stepping into the house and closing the door behind me. "What's up with the late night call?"

"Well, we've received an offer. It's a big one, but the catch is, she wants it done by Sunday," Taehyung explained, his voice serious.

"So day after tomorrow?"

"Yeah, it falls on your rest days and, more importantly, your last day of the weekend," He remarked.

"That's not the issue. I'm already tired of having nothing to do, so yeah, I'm down. But what's the deal that prompted you to call?" I asked, closing my bedroom door and settling onto my bed.

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