A New Friend

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As midnight struck and Friday began, I found myself busy packing for the trip while my mom came in to offer her assistance.

"Take some good outfits, just in case Jin decides to throw parties. It's not unlikely," she advised, scanning through my closet. She paused, then turned to me with a disapproving shake of her head. "Only red and black," she declared.

"Mom, those were for my business. I really need some new clothes," I explained, reminiscing about my past endeavors of chasing cheaters and putting them in their place.

"What do you plan on doing now?" she inquired.

"I plan to take my studies seriously and explore new ideas for starting another business," I replied determinedly.

"Good choice," she commented, taking a sip of her wine. With her help, the packing process became much easier. As I zipped up the suitcase, I watched her yawn, realizing that it was time to call it a night.

"Go and sleep. Thank you for the help," I said, making my mom smile.

"Good night, baby. Don't stay up too late. Love you," she replied and I nodded in response before she left, closing the door behind her. I turned to my bed, my phone catching my attention.

I sighed and headed to the bathroom to get ready for bed, going through my nightcare routine before returning to my room. Despite not feeling tired yet, I decided to kill some time on Tumblr and Twitter, reading some one-shots and blogs.

As I scrolled through the posts, one caught my eye: "A time you wish to relive."

I looked up at the ceiling, recalling my recent encounter with him. A smile tugged at my lips as I quickly shared the post.

"A moment to forever remember. Will miss seeing you for the next few weeks, but thank you for the time while it lasted," I wrote, accompanied by a sigh, before hitting the retweet button.

Exiting the apps, I turned to TikTok for my next source of entertainment to pass the time. I scrolled through the posts for a while before boredom struck once again.

Getting up from my bed, I looked around for ways to kill time. The weather outside had turned windy, with trees swaying sideways. I watched the scene for a moment until a sudden bolt of lightning startled me, causing me to flinch and pat my chest to calm down.

A notification ding from my phone grabbed my attention, and I quickly turned to look at the screen.

gymfreakjuan91 : is it the guy your heart skipped a beat for?

I raised my eyebrow at the perfect guess and unlocked my screen to reply.

me: yes

The response took a moment to come through, but I waited patiently since I had nothing else to do.

gymfreakjuan91: why though? Did this dude do anything to make you feel like this?

me: yeah. Exist 😍

gymfreakjuan91: -_- girl.

me: jk.

gymfreakjuan91: what's jk? His initials?

me: no! I mean yes but no, I meant 'Just Kidding.' It's an acronym.

gymfreakjuan91: why shorten the words, type it out. There's an autocorrect box over the keyboard for easy selection.

me: what a grandma

gymfreakjuan91: now advising makes people old?

me: chill out sensitive woman.

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