The Color of you

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The constant pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds. Every day presents an opportunity to learn something new. As I delved into the books I recently purchased, I was fascinated by the diverse perspectives they offered on the subjects I teach at the university.

Each book brought forth unique approaches and insights, enriching my understanding and providing valuable resources for my students. I meticulously took notes, blending the ideas from the texts with my own insights to enhance the learning experience for everyone.

As the 4 hour long note scribbling took a toll on me, I sat back and took a little break to energise myself. I turned my aeroplane mode off and waited for it to show the notifications. I hate to get distracted from such dings whenever I'm focusing on something.

Lots of texts messages and some calls flooded the screen as I raised my eyebrow at the sudden explosion of conversations in the groupchat. I check the groupchat as the key words were 'Launch party and the color we will be wearing'

I shrugged off the group chat discussion about attire, knowing my usual choice of attire would be head-to-toe black. Scrolling through the rest of the messages, I came across one from Nana. With a sigh, I couldn't help but wonder why I continued to tolerate her.

At first, she seemed genuinely kind, a trait I appreciated. But over time, her possessiveness over trivial matters became increasingly apparent. I found myself restricted from interacting with colleagues of the opposite gender, even though our relationship wasn't officially established.

Just a few weeks of conversation, and she already wanted to dictate my actions, threatening to intrude on my private space at work, where I preferred to keep my personal life under wraps.

Learning to move on from someone, I realized, meant not seeking a replacement to fill the void they left behind—a lesson I had to learn the hard way.

Unknown ID : You're coming tomorrow, right? What are you wearing?

Unknown ID : I'm not wearing the neutral colours they are talking about in the group because I know you. Your usual choice of colour being black. So I'll wear black too!

Upon reading the message, my frustration peaked. I couldn't believe she assumed she knew my fashion choices well enough to dictate them. Determined not to match with her, I immediately abandoned my initial plan and headed to my closet to select a different color ensemble. Matching with her was out of the question.

I swung open my closet door, greeted by an array of dark hues staring back at me. Frustration bubbled up inside me as I scanned through the options, realizing there wasn't much room for variation. My gaze lingered on the formal section, where blues, neutrals, and of course, blacks dominated the scene.

Letting out a resigned sigh, I resigned myself to the fact that standing out wasn't an option. As my hand skimmed over the selection, a flash of dark red caught my eye—a burgundy suit. I hesitated for a moment before pulling it out and holding it up in front of me, assessing how it looked.

As I stood there, my mind drifted to Y/n and her fondness for the color red. Would she be wearing it to an event like this?

I furrowed my eyebrows, sensing the absurdity of my thoughts. Why was I allowing her to occupy my mind like this? Shaking my head, I set the suit aside in the wardrobe, keeping it as an option for now. I couldn't let myself be swayed by her presence or even the mere thought of her.

I reminded myself sternly that I had already caused enough confusion for her, and it was time to put an end to any unnecessary niceties that might lead to further misunderstandings.

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