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"I still vote on two cars", Winnie said, squeezed in a car between Owen and Tosh.

"Yeah", Owen agreed, "Besides, why do you always get to drive?"

"I'm the captain", Jack argued, "If you want another car, allocate the budget yourselves. Might take some away from the salaries."

"You are an arse, Jack", Owen scowled.

"I still think this is a bad idea, Suzie", Winnie then said, "None of this has gone to plan so far."

Suzie looked down at the case in her lap, "You have no idea about the progress we could make, Winnie."

"Suzie, they come back to life in panic. There's no chance you'll ever find someone who doesn't."

"We'll keep going", she had a hard look on her face, determined to get this started.

Jack parked the car in an alleyway and the police immediately left the crime scene to them. He got out first and everyone followed. He and Winnie watched the others gather around the body. Winnie pulled up the large hood on her long black coat to cover herself from the rain and pulled her scarf in further, closing the coat.

"There you go. I can taste it", he looked down at her, licking his lips, "Oestrogen. Definitely oestrogen. You take the Pill, flush it away. It enters the water cycle, feminises the fish."

Winnie lifted her chin in a large nodding motion. On the ground Suzie took out the metal gauntlet and put it on.

"Goes all the way up into the sky, then falls all the way back down on to me. Contraceptives in the rain. Love this planet", he grinned at her, "Still, at least I won't get pregnant. Never doing that again."

Winnie shook her head with a laugh and stepped up to the others, "How's it going?"

"Nothing yet", Suzie had put her hand under the dead person's head, lifting it slightly into her lap, "It's got to connect. I've just got to feel it."

Owen had a camera on them and got impatient, "Hurry up and feel it. I'm freezing my arse off here."

"I wonder what the dead guy thinks about that", Winnie deadpanned.

"I can't just flick a switch", Suzie said, "It's more like access. It grants me access."

"Whatever that means", Owen rolled his eyes.

"It's like-", before she got to explain she felt it and the gauntlet started glowing blue, "Oh, oh, oh."

"Positions", Jack commanded and everyone was close by, somewhat covering the scene from bystanders.

"If I get punched again, I'm punching him right back", Owen scowled and Winnie snorted at the memory. Owen glared at her.

"Just concentrate. Suzie", Jack put their attention back on Suzie and the dead man and got the stop watch ready.

In the blue glow the man woke up, "There was- What was- I was, I was- Oh, my God. I was going home", he started to cry.

"Listen to me", Tosh spoke up, "We've only got two minutes so it's important that you listen, okay?"

"Who are you?", of course he panicked.

"Trust me. You're dead."

"How am I dead?", this only made it worse, of course.

"You were stabbed", Owen said, nonchalantly, earning a jab to the side from Winnie

"I'm not dead", he was having a panic attack, "I can see you."

"We've brought you back but we haven't got long", Tosh told him, looking at her laptop, "I'm sorry but you've got to concentrate. Who did this to you? What did you see?"

Winnie Is Not OkayWhere stories live. Discover now