18 - Stress

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A few weeks had passed, and all the interviews were done and the home visit as well. I was back at work while the decision was made. My parents were watching Faith and I just wanted to run to their house and hide away with Faith.

I was having a feeling something was wrong since it was taking some time to get everything worked out and finalized on if we could adopt Faith and have her become a Barber. She was so excited to be a part of our family and Jacob was excited to have a little sister he could dote on, and he was already telling us she couldn't date until she was 65 and Andy was in full agreement which always made me and Faith laugh.

I was working through some paperwork Lindsay brought into me and I noticed what it was dated. I knew it couldn't be right and I was about to call her in to fix everything but then I looked at my desk calendar and it was right, it had been 2 and a half months since everything happened. Me and Andy reconnecting and going on our first date and then Faith being brought into our lives. Everything was happening so fast.

That's when I realized something else and grabbed my phone. I started scrolling through my personal calendar and sighed knowing I had to be wrong in my calculations. The calendar didn't lie though, there it was, on my phone. I hadn't had a period last month and I was already 2 weeks late for this month.

I figured I was just stressed with all of the stuff Andy, and I had gone through and now Faith, I was just stressed. Right? Just stress...

I mean I knew Andy and I couldn't keep ours hands off each other but this isn't what we needed right now with Faith coming into our lives. Would Andy change his mind if I ended up being pregnant and he decided he wants his own kid and not want Faith anymore? I was panicking, I could feel myself panicking. I was going to work myself up and the only person who could help me was Andy.

I knew he was in court all day, so I quickly grabbed my purse and headed out of my office yelling at Lindasy that I was taking an early lunch. I don't remember getting in my car and driving but I found myself rushing through the courthouse, then realizing I didn't know where he was.

Mel: Hey, I know Andy is in court today, do you happen to know the courtroom he is in?

I knew I couldn't text Andy, so I went to the next best person.

Lynne: He is on recess right now. He and Tiffany are in the private room by courtroom 4, they should be in working on strategy.

Mel: Thank you.

Of course he was with Tiffany. I didn't have time to deal with her today. I don't think the panic sitting on my chest would allow me to keep up the fake niceness I had towards her. I walked quickly to the private room and knocked on the door.

"We're busy, come back later." Tiffany's first voice rang out and I knocked again. "I said we're busy! Tiffany snapped and I had enough. I pounded on the door. "Jesus Christ!" She yelled and opened the door to see me stand there. I looked at her, her hair looked disheveled, and Andy looked just as bad. I didn't want to jump to conclusion and Tiffany just looked at me.

"I need Andy." I found my voice and stated.

"We're busy." Tiffany responded as Andy walked to the door.

"Listen bitch, give me my husband! He is mine, not yours and you need to stop thinking that you own him! Back off! Go somewhere else and work!" I yelled. Andy was right there to hold me back as I lunged at her. He gripped me around my midriff and pulled me into the empty courtroom.

"Hey, calm down..." Andy said seeing my eyes flashing red with anger and then he saw the anger disappear and the panic set in. "Mel, what's wrong? Is something wrong with us not getting Faith?" Andy asked, placing a hand on my cheek as he was willing me to calm down. Just his touch was enough to start helping. I just let the flood gates open and I started crying throwing my head against his chest, wrapping my arms around his midsection. "Oh Mel, please talk to me..." Andy whispered and kissed the top of my head. 

I looked up at Andy, "I might be pregnant." I whispered but I knew he heard me how the look on his face changed from worry to joy.

"Pregnant? You sure?" Andy asked and I shook my head.

"I got looking at the calendar at work and I haven't had my period now for going on 2 months. I mean it could be due to the stress but the fact of the matter being Andy since we started actually going back to having sex again and you being able to finish inside of me its been about 2 months." I said and Andy nodded thinking of the time frame.

"We need to get this checked out Mel." Andy said being the calm one about all of this.

"What about Faith though Andy?" I asked and he looked at me like I had 4 heads.

"What about her? I mean we get her and then have a baby and we go from 1 kid with Jake and adding 2 and 3 pretty soon one after the other. It's okay Mel." Andy said and I gave a weak smile.

"You want me to make the appointment for when you can go?" I asked and Andy nodded.

"Yeah, just in case I don't want you to go alone." Andy said and I knew what he meant. In case it was just stress, and nothing came from this.

I placed my head back on Any's chest, breathing in his scent and just calming down. His arms wrapped around me was always my safe place when panic attacks were setting in. I felt him kiss the top of my head again and I snapped out of my trance of Andy and looked up at him.

"Why did you and Tiffany look so disheveled when the door was opened to the room?" I asked and Andy sighed.

"Because she didn't do her fucking work, insisted on taking lead on this case and we are getting our asses handed to us. I keep running my hands through my hair and I'm stressed. I think we are going to lose this case. Right before you knocked on the door, I was yelling at her about the case." Andy said which is why I knew she looked a mess, she was scared of Andy's temper. I knew Andy could be scary when he was in ADA mode, and something wasn't going right. I hugged Andy a little tighter and I felt him relax in my arms and I smiled up at him.

"You got this Barber, demand to take back over on this case and win it. You need to tell Lynne how much she fucked up and get her gone Andy." I said and Andy nodded.

"Oh, trust me Mel, it's already in the works." Andy said. He leaned down and passionately kissed me causing me to moan in his kiss. As we were kissing, I felt my phone in my pocket start to vibrate and pulled it out and showed Andy the number. It was Children Services.

"Answer it!" Andy snapped, not angry just anxious.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Mrs. Barber, it's children services. Are you and Mr. Barber able to come into the office tomorrow so we can go over some things together? Is there a time that works best for you?" The lady on the phone asked and I looked at Andy knowing he heard. He nodded.

"Yes, it shouldn't be a problem. Could we do it around..." I trailed off.

"11." Andy whispered.

"11?" I asked.

"Yes, that should be perfect. We will see you both tomorrow at 11." She said and we hung up. I looked at Andy and he sighed. We didn't know what this meant, and he just pulled me back into a hug trying to keep my thoughts positive and not negative. Why did they want to see us?

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