13 - Tiffany

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Andy kept coming home late due to this new ADA and one night have even called to say he was sleeping at the office. He hadn't done that since right after we got married and there was a huge murder case. I was over him not being home much, Jacob was even wondering if we were truly okay with him not being home like he used to be.

I had a long lunch break today so I decided to pick up lunch from Andy's favorite place and would go surprise him in his office. Not to mention without his knowledge I checked, and I was ovulating for the next few days, it would be at its highest. I wanted to give him a little bit of incentive to come home tonight.

I got off the elevator at his floor and walked towards his office. I walked past Lynn's office first and she called for me through the open door.

"Mel! I didn't know you were coming in today! Andy never said." I hugged Lynn after I walked into her office.

"He doesn't know. I have a longer lunch since I was just in court so I thought I would stop by." I said and she smiled.

"You are getting all these kids into forever homes is great you know that?" Lynn asked and I smiled.

I knew Lynn's daughter was adopted so I always knew this was personal to her.

"I do what I can." I smiled.

"Well, you better get Andy his lunch. Don't need him not eating." Lynn said and we laughed. I left Lynn's office and walked to Andy's office. His secretary was sitting at her desk.

"Hey Joni, is he in?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, I know the new ADA is in there with him." Joni said and I noticed his door was shut.

"Oh...um...what are your thoughts on her?" I asked in a whisper. Joni and I had talked before, and I knew her.

"She can be pushy and ruthless usually getting what she wants." Joni said, which made my stomach drop. I knew she wanted Andy...

"Okay well, I'm just going to head in." I said and Joni nodded. I opened Andy office door, scared what I would see. I trusted Andy but with everything going on lately I was scared. When I saw Andy and the new ADA in his office, he was looking over her shoulder as she pointed something out in a file.

"Mel?! What are you doing here?" Andy asked, shocked, but walked over to me, giving me a small kiss.

"I had a long lunch today, I got out of court early so I thought I would pick us up some burgers and fries and join you for lunch." I said and he smiled.

"I love this." Andy said and then looked at the girl in his office. "Oh, Mel, this is Tiffany Lancaster she is the new ADA that took over for Neal." Andy explained. Tiffany extended her hand.

"It's so great to finally meet the famous Mel." Tiffany said. I shook her hand even though I hated her tone, I knew that tone, I was a woman...I knew what she was doing.

"So nice to meet the woman who is keeping my husband late at work." I snipped back. Andy sighed as Tiffany gave a small fake laugh.

"I know and you must believe me, I feel terrible about it we just have cases to get done. I'm sure you understand." She talked down to me. Andy could sense the tension because he interjected.

"Tiffany, why don't we pick this up after lunch?" He asked and she sighed but nodded. She went to sit on the couch.

"I would like lunch alone with my husband, since I don't see him much anymore." I said. She grinned but it wasn't friendly as she went to leave the office.

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