2 - Tension

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I woke up the next morning when my alarm went off at 6am. Well, I say woke up but really I just opened my eyes and turned my alarm off. Sleep did not come easy at all last night.

My husband lied to me...he had a vasectomy...he never told me. I understood it was a decision he made before he even knew me but when I started talking children, he should have told me. He never said anything and gave me hope saying sure we can try.

I got out of bed and headed into the bathroom across the hall and ran into my dad coming from his bedroom.

"Your mom said you showed up last night. I was wondering what was going on. She wouldn't say..." Erik, my dad said.

"Yeah, Andy and I...actually can we not do this right now? I have to take a shower and get to work." I said and he nodded. He opened his arms and I huffed a laugh as he pulled me into a hug. I felt some of my tension release as I heard my phone go off in my hand with a text message. Once I broke apart from my dad I headed into the bathroom and looked at my phone.

Jacob: Dad said you left last night...

Fav Mom💗: Jake, listen. I did leave. Your dad and I had an argument.

Jacob: You and dad argued before and you never left.

Fav Mom💗: It's not that simple Jake. Your dad and I will work it out...maybe. Just don't worry about us and go ace that history test today.

Jacob: Will you be home tonight?

Fav Mom💗: I don't know Jake, again don't worry about it. I love you and have a good day.

Jacob: Love you too.

I sighed and got in the shower thinking about everything that happened with Andy and me. I just wanted to get to work and not think about this situation for a couple hours at least.

After I finished with my shower and getting ready for the day I headed downstairs and found my parents sitting in their breakfast nook having breakfast.

"Want me to make you a plate?" Mildred, my mom asked.

"No, I'll just take some coffee to go. I have to get to work." I said walking and grabbing a travel mug from their cupboard.

"You know caffeine harms the body if you are trying to get pregnant. Maybe that's why it's not happening you won't stop drinking coffee." Mildred said. I closed my eyes refusing to let them fill with tears.

"I'm not worried about getting pregnant now." I said.

"Oh come on Mel, it was one fight. You won't have a baby with Andy because of an argument?" Erik asked.

"No I won't have a baby with Andy because he isn't able to give me one! He lied to me all this time. He had a vasectomy around the time of Jacobs trial." I blurted out.

Both my parents sat stunned and in shock. I finished filling up the travel mug and headed towards the table.

"I just need a few days to figure this whole thing out with my life." I said and they nodded.

"Well you know you can always come here." Erik said and I smiled. I kissed both their cheeks.

"I know, I love you both." I said and headed out of the door to my car. As I was driving down the road my cellphone went off. I got to a red light and saw it was a text from Andy.

Andy: Can we please talk?

Mel: I don't know what else you could say to me.

Andy: I want to talk this out.

Mel: And I wanted a baby but we don't always get what we want.

The conversation stopped there and I was happy it did. I made it to work and sighed knowing I would have to go to court today to witness a few adoptions since I was the case worker who had the child cases when they were brought it.

I worked for Child Protective Services and dealt with seeing children come in and worked on finding them homes and families.

I forgot today would be a court day and I prayed that Andy wouldn't have court today. Didn't want to run into each other.

I grabbed up the files and went to leave again but was stopped by my secretary.

"I just got a call from Judge Roberts secretary, saying the courtroom as changed to courtroom 5. He is squeezing you during recess on a case he is trying." I sighed and nodded.

"Thank you. Important calls send through to my cellphone other than that hold my calls." I said and she nodded.

I got back to my car and headed downtown to the courthouse.

"Miss Mellie!" A little girl named Abbie said running away from the parents who were adopting her to hug me. I smiled as she hugged me.

When I met Abbie she was coming out of a bad living situation. He father was a drug addict and dealer, mother died in childbirth and Abbie was found sleeping in a car. Her father sighed over his parental rights and she was put in the system only to be fostered by an amazing family who then decided they wanted to adopt her.

"Hey miss Abbie." I said as the parents walked over. I hugged them both.

"You guys ready to make this official?" I asked with a smile, and they nodded.

"Let's head inside." I said as we all walked into the courthouse.

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A few hours later and a few court cases I walked into the courtroom that was changed since the judge was going to be doing the adoption during the trail he was overseeing recess. I sat in the back of the courthouse and started looking over some more cases that were coming across the desk.

"Mel." I heard him say my name and I groaned.

"Not now Andy." I said looking up at him.

"I want to talk to you." Andy said.

"Well I don't want to talk to you." I said.

"We need to talk and you know it. Can you please come home tonight so we can talk?" Andy asked.

"No Andy I cant. I need time to process this." I said.

Before we could continue to have the conversation the judge spoke up.

"Mrs. Barber, are you ready?" He asked and I looked at the family that had just walked in.

"We are Judge." I said. I walked past Andy, and we walked up to the judge. When I took a glance back once the proceedings were starting, Andy was gone, and I sighed thankfully.

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