8 - Homework

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Andy and I were still sleeping in separate bedrooms for a month and a half now, but we were also still going to therapy and realizing we had more issues in our marriage than we originally thought. I mean the trust was gone and that was the main problem.

When we explained to the therapist, we were in separate bedrooms she said it was actually good, we had to earn trust again and sleeping separately gave us that time to think and reflect on everything.

"So, we have been at this for weeks now and you guys have been having family dinner together with Jacob and doing all the family things like movie nights right?" The therapist asked.

"Yeah, of course, we are trying to keep it as normal as possible for Jacob." Andy said.

"I mean he knows there is a problem and knows what it is but we want him to feel like he still has both of us." I continued.

"Okay well that's good but I want you both to do something else for me this week sometime, homework if you will..." She said and we just looked at each other. I was scared of what she was going to suggest.

"Which is?" Andy asked.

"I want you two to have a date night. Dinner out together, maybe some place with dancing or something. Something where you have to be close again. You two need to find that love again."

"I never said I didn't love Andy, I still do -..." I started to say and was stopped.

"I never said you two didn't still love each other because no matter what, through all the hurt and pain I still see love there, but you don't know how to show it anymore. I need you both to find it again. Then when you go home, Mel can you try and stay in the bedroom with Andy?" She asked and I felt Andy's eyes on me.

"I can try...do I have to stay if I don't feel comfortable?" I asked.

"No, you don't have to stay, you can leave but I want you both to try." She said and I nodded. I looked at Andy and he looked hopeful.

"Okay, I can try." I said and she nodded. We heard the soft chime of the timer go off signaling the end of our session.

"Okay so remember what I said. A date night out on the town. Even if you don't want to do dinner and dancing just do something that means something to the two of you." She said and Andy smirked at me.

"I think I have an idea." Andy said and I half smiled as we stood up and headed out of her office.

"I have a couple files to get done at work, see you at home?" I asked Andy and he nodded.

"Yeah, you want to just do pizza tonight or do you want to cook?" Andy asked and I sighed.

"Can you pick up pizza on your way home?" I asked and he nodded. He leaned in and kissed my cheek once we were out of the building.

"Pizza it is. See you at home." Andy said and we walked to our cars and headed back to our jobs. These weekly meetings on our lunch breaks seemed to be working pretty well. Since we could go our separate ways when we were done and had time to think on our own. But now we had a date night to plan and figure out and I had to try and sleep with Andy again.

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That Friday night Andy had informed me how to dress for our date. He planned the whole thing and I let him. I was confused by the casual dress attire though. I pulled out a pair of tight black jeans, a burgundy tank top and booties. I wore my hair down and put a wave in it as well as doing a better make up job than I would usually do for work, I mean I was going out for the night with Andy...with my husband.

I walked down the steps and Andy was standing at the bottom of the stairs in a black shirt with some dark blue jeans. I always loved seeing casual Andy. Jacob was standing there talking to Andy.

"You look great Mel." Jacob said as I reached the bottom of the steps.

"Thanks Jake." I said and I kissed his cheek and he quickly wiped off the lipstick and I laughed. Andy was just looking at me.

"You look beautiful." Andy said and I couldn't help the blush that rose in my cheeks.

"Thank you, you look good yourself." I said and he smiled. He held out his hand and I just looked at it. I knew he was begging me to hold his hand. I figured this was meant to be a date, so I placed my hand in his and he smiled as we said our goodbyes to Jake and left the house.

"So where are we going?" I asked Andy as he pulled out of the driveway.

"Someplace I know neither of us have been for a long time." Andy said and I smiled as we drove down the road and he placed a hand on my thigh, and I interlaced my fingers with his.

"I moved some of my stuff I would need for tonight and tomorrow into the room before we left." I spoke up after a little bit of silence.

"Oh, yeah...good." Andy said and I could tell he was nervous.

"Andy, I don't have to stay..." I trailed off and he shook his head.

"You think I'm nervous about you sleeping in the room, don't you?" Andy asked and I nodded. "It's not that Mel, I'm excited to have you back in the room. Even if you don't want me to touch you or cuddle you while we sleep just to have you on your side of the bed again..." Andy said, and I sighed with a small smile.

We were silent again and just went about drive to our date night keeping me on my toes about where we were going.

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