18. Distractions

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May 5, 2023; Iowa City, Iowa

Chapter 18.


Kate's POV;

It's been a week or so since me and Liv had made it official. I was in the middle of practice, trying to focus on my jump shot, when I saw Liv, a camera in her hands. I keep forgetting she has to come to practice to take photos and fuck, it distracts me. In a good way.

Every time I glanced over at Liv, she smiled at me. As if already knowing I was going to look at her. Her hair was in a ponytail, exposing more of her face. The more I get distracted the more I lose focus. I try to shake off the feeling.

Coach blew the whistle, signaling for a water break as I jogged over to where my water was, looking up to see Liv laughing at something Drew said.

After a quick break, we got right back into practice. This time it was during our shooting drills, anytime I'd get distracted I'd look at Liv and she'd give me that smile or hers and a thumbs-up. She has always been so supportive, with me or any of the girls. She made me feel as if I could sink in any of my shots. But that wasn't the case — I missed my first few attempts since my mind wasn't focused, and Coach called me out on it.

"Kate, focus! You're not even looking at the rim!" she shouted.

I just nodded my head at her. After Coach's stern reminder, my teammates started to tease me like they always do.

"Kate's got a new coach, Coach Olivia. I'm sure you'll follow whatever she says." Caitlin joked around, giving her a playful shove.

"Oh shut up," I say, cracking a smile myself.

Monika chimed in, and soon after that so did the rest of the girls as they joke around.

"Okay but seriously, Liv has you wrapped around her finger — it's adorable," Gabbie said as Jada laughed beside her.

"Just do your drills, bro," I tell them as I shake my head, laughing but blushing at the slight embarrassment. Only embarrassed 'cause they know I stare at her, way too much.

But I'm glad that they support us, I'm lucky to have them.

After practice ended I gathered my stuff and went to Liv and Drew. Watching them pack up their gear. Monika and Gabbie approached us, "Hey guys! So there's this party tonight, wondering if y'all wanted to go?"

Monika informed us, and Drew instantly agreed to it, and so did I.

"Yeah sure, who's hosting it?" I say, Liv just grabs my hand.

"The guy's basketball team," Gabbie says, making me groan.

"Those assholes?" Drew says, crossing his arms.

"They're not that bad," Monika says, pleading for us to go now that we know they're hosting it.

"Fine, we'll go." we both agreed to it, I doubt that Liv would agree because she's not a party person. She doesn't like parties so she's most likely not going.

"You going, Liv?" Gabbie asked her, "No I'm not, so if you need to be picked up just call me." Liv said to them.

Arriving at the party, me and Drew are greeted by the smell of weed, liquor and sweat. I need a drink.

I end up in the kitchen, pouring myself a cup of cheap vodka and downing it all. Feeling the burning sensation in my throat.

I was having the time of my life right now. At least I was considering the state I'm in. I was dancing with the girls, my teammates not other girls because hell no. Even drunk I rejected girls because they're not Liv.

The next thing I knew, I was stumbling around groups of people. The room was spinning and music was getting louder and louder. There were lights flashing and it was making my head spin. I tried to focus but I couldn't, everything was blurry.

I went over to grab another drink, pouring it but spilling some. I remembered trying to take a sip, but my body was wobbly so I spilled it all over my shirt. I laughed so hard while trying to wipe it off but my vision was blurry and I couldn't focus.

It's fucking time to go back to my dorm.

I search for my phone, grabbing it to call Liv. I dial her number as it rings for a bit until I hear her voice.


Can you come pick me up please?

My voice slurred, hearing a sigh over the phone.

I'll be there in a bit


3rd POV;

Liv hangs up the phone as Kate stumbled to the front door, opening it and heading outside. The cold breeze hitting her face as she almost trips walking down the stairs. She walk to the curb, sitting down.

After a while a car pulls up, Liv exiting the car quickly. Kate looked up at her, watching her stare her down.

"I'm sorry, Liv." Kate said as she looked up at her, her eyes glassy. God she's a crying drunk sometimes.

Liv's expression softened, "It's okay. Let's just get you home."

As Liv supported Kate to the car, she couldn't help but feel a bit concerned as to why Kate drank so much. More than usual. Despite her concern, she laughed a bit at Kate's state, messy hair and stumbling.

Once in the car, Liv hands Kate a water bottle who just complains. "Kate. Drink it, now. You need to hydrate yourself."

Kate took the bottle and then took a sip of it, looking at Liv with a goofy grin. "Liv... you're so pretty, I'm so lucky." she slurred.

Liv just chuckled at this, "Let's get you home."

When they arrived at Kate's dorm, Liv helped her inside and onto her bed. Kate looked up at her, "what would I do without you?" she whispered.

Liv smiled at her, "You'll never have to find out, I'll be here with you."

Kate pulls Liv into her, hugging her tightly like she's some plushie. That's how the whole night was spent, Kate clinging onto Liv.

If anything, she'd love for everyday to be like this.  Minus the drunk part. She could get used to this.

A/N - bit crappy but wtv I'm trying to give them more moments before a big chapter so yea🤭im mostly going to write like little random chapters of them or with others before doing like some detailed ass chapter because recently I've been like lacking on my writing skills🥲but don't worry I'll gain them back, feel free to comment or vote toodles💕

In the end, it's only us - Kate Martin Where stories live. Discover now