5. The Morning After

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Chapter 5.

Narrative + iMessage

December 3rd, 2022; Iowa City, Iowa

Kate's POV;

My eyes flutter open, adjusting to the bright sun peaking through the unfamiliar room. I look around noticing I woke up in a soft bed that has a faint scent of strawberry with vanilla. Sitting up I stretch my body, turning next to me I see a pill and a water bottle with a small note that has neat hand writing. 'Make sure you drink this it'll help'. I groan as I change my position feeling a pang shoot through my head as I reach over for the pill quickly downing it with some water.

I get up from the bed heading outside and that's when I realize that I'm at Olivia's dorm, stopping in my tracks. It's like a cold splash of water as my eyes widen. Quickly I leave the room and see her sleeping on the couch with her cat right next to her. Did she really sleep on the couch so I could take the bed? Now I feel bad. Andrew then comes out of his room, also looking like all the drinking from last night affected him. He walks over to me quietly in order not to wake up Olivia.

"Do you think she's gonna give us a lecture or something like that?" Andrew says with a slight chuckle and then groans, I know that reaction. The hangover is so real. "I don't know, she most likely will." Knowing how Olivia is, she's probably going to give me and Andrew a long lecture on why we shouldn't drink so much like she's our mom or whatever. "Well, let's go workout first and then we'll come back to prepare the long ass lecture we're in for." This dude is fucking crazy.

"Really? A workout while being hungover?" Unless he's like Superman, I doubt we'd be able to make it 2 hours into a workout. "I mean what's the worse that could happen? C'mon let's just go please. You're always my workout buddy." Do I really want to go though? I mean not that I wouldn't like to workout it's just that, it's something. Actually I don't want to workout but I don't wanna leave Andrew considering he introduced me to Olivia so I just agree with him.

"Fine, let's go to my dorm so I could change." Hopefully I don't throw up when I'm benching or in general, doing a simple workout.



Ummm helloo??? Where the hell are you and Andrew?
Kate I swear if you don't respond I'm going to track you down.
Oh my goodness don't tell me you sneaked out at night
Kate Martin.


Olivia's POV;



why in the hell are you and Kate not answering!!!!!
Where the hell are you guys
Drew I swear
I'm killing the both of you once I see you.
I'm so done with you two
Please don't tell me you guys are dead
I'll legit call the cops


I'm legit pacing around the living room. These assholes left like I don't know when. And didn't tell me! I mean I'm probably exaggerating but I care for them. Plus they haven't been answering my messages even though they always do like what the hell. I've called them, messaged them, hell at this point I'm going to the police station. If these two don't answer I'm going across campus searching for them. Considering the fact that none of them have seen my messages or even answered my calls, they either. 1. Got kidnapped. 2. Sneaked out. 3. Somehow passed away. Or 4. They're here somewhere knocked out which is damn near impossible considering the fact that I literally searched the whole place.

In the end, it's only us - Kate Martin Where stories live. Discover now