Part 30

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You arrived to Natasha and Steve's house that night, not finding anything suspicious. The dinner was laid out on the table and you were talking to her about the baby and you were about to start eating when Natasha and Steve exchanged a glance before Natasha spoke.

"Before we start." She began, making you look up at her. "Do you want to see the nursery?"

"You already finished it?" You asked.

"We're getting there." Natasha smiled.

"Of course I do." You told her as she led you away from the table and up the stairs. Your eyebrows furrowed as Natasha now led you in a complete opposite direction.

"Isn't the nursery supposed to be that way?" You asked, gesturing at the opposite way of the one you were going in now. "You guys don't have any free rooms here."

"You'll see." She said, making you roll your eyes. You still followed her.

She soon stopped in front of a large door, gesturing at them and you looked at her in question.

"What?" She asked.

"Nat, if I remember well... this is Steve's office. Don't tell me that pregnancy brain is a real thing." You said.

"You can take a look inside." Natasha said, opening the door for you.

You looked at her in suspicion before you slowly stepped in. A breath left your mouth as you looked around.

"Nat, there's nothing here. It's just Steve's things." You turned around to look at her, but she was gone. "Nat?"

The door slammed close and you quickly tried opening them, but nothing happened. You slammed your fist against them, calling out to Natasha. "Natasha! What the hell is going on?"

"Um, sorry!" You heard her say behind the closed door.

"What's going on? Open the door!"

"I can't!" She said. "They must be stuck! Wait here, I'll go and get Steve."

You rolled your eyes as you heard her retreating footsteps. "Not like I have anywhere else to go."

You turned around, a sigh leaving your mouth. You sat down in one of the chairs as you waited for the two of them.

A couple of minutes later, nothing was happening yet. You were half convinced, with her pregnancy brain, Natasha forgot about you. You didn't have your phone with you to call her either, you left it in your bag downstairs.

You leaned on your hand, your eyes closing as you almost fell asleep. You would've fallen asleep if your hand didn't accidentally slip off the chair and you snapped out of your sleep. You grabbed a book off the shelf and opened it, starting to read.

The door opened and you closed the book, leaving it on the table. "Finally."You mumbled out, standing up, your back still turned towards the door. "I was sure you two forgot about me." You added before you heard the door slam closed again. "What the hell?" You asked, turning around, only to see... Tony.

Your breath caught in your throat and your legs almost gave out. Tony was looking between you and the door in disbelief. You heard Steve and Natasha's voices outside the door as they walked away. This was their doing. You should've known.

"Well... " You whispered out to yourself. "Shit."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang