Part 28

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You unlocked the door to the studio, placing your purse and jacket on one of the chairs, when you noticed a large bouquet of red roses left on the table for you. Your eyebrows furrowed as you approached the table and took them in your hands.

"You like them?" You turned around, coming face to face with Tony. He was leaning against the door, watching you.

"They're from you?" You asked.


Without another word, you placed them back on the table and got to work.

"A woman, Melissa I think, she unlocked the door for me and let me put them there." Tony continued, watching as you pulled out your brushes.


"What are you painting?" He asked, coming up behind you. He looked at the painting, confused. "That has to be the most depressive looking painting I've seen in my whole life."

You sighed, already frustrated. You turned towards him, crossing your arms. "What do you want, Tony?"

"We need to talk."

"We talked." You shortly replied.

"Yes, but-"

"There's nothing else left to say. You slept with her, you lied to me and my dad about it, and there's nothing else. It doesn't matter what we were, or what we will be."


"No. Don't. We don't have to talk about anything. Leave. I have work to do."

"I'm sorry, Y/N. What more do you want me to do? Do I need to get on my knees and beg for your forgiveness? Because I would do that."

You hissed in pain, a headache stopping you from saying anything more. You felt like fainting again and you probably would've fainted if Tony didn't grab your body before you could fall.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" He looked at you with a concerned gaze.

"I'm fine. Let go." You said, standing up on your own and pulling out of his hold.

"Y/N, don't be like this, please baby-"

"Don't call me that." You stopped him again. "Just don't. I can't go over this same thing in circles with you. You know there's no way the two of us could be together again after this. And if my dad finds out-"

"He doesn't need to know."

"Tony, you know that even if this didn't happen, we'd never be together. We're just not... compatible, I guess." You said, even if it hurt you to say it.

"No, Y/N, please don't say that. What do you need me to do? I've cut contacts with all women in my life. You're the only one, I swear. There's no Amanda, or any other woman. What do I need to change? We can go wherever you'd like. Do you want to know what happened between me and Amanda? I'll explain the whole thing to you. Y/N, I swear it, that didn't mean anything. I would've told you if she didn't literally threaten me not to. Fucking hell, I will do anything for you. Just tell me, and I'll do it. But I can't have you giving up on us this easy."

You shook your head. "That doesn't change anything. I can't get the fact you slept with Amanda out of my head. It's all I think about."

"It was a drunken mistake. It never meant anything more to me."

You just stared at him, feeling your lungs unable to get any air. You were almost choking, holding back tears as you didn't want to cry in front of Tony. You held a hand to your chest, trying to breathe. "Leave."

"No, Y/N! You're always acting like a fucking child and running away from your feelings and I've had enough. Grow the fuck up and talk to me. You did this even before you found out about me and her. I told you I care about you, and you're here pretending like you don't feel the same. To hell with this! I don't care about her, or your father, or his opinion. You're the only one I care about. Even if he finds out and doesn't approve of us, I don't care! Just fucking talk to me already. Scream at me, slap me, hell, even punch me if you want. Anything is better than you shutting down and trying to ignore your emotions."

"Maybe you don't care about his approval, but I do, Tony. He's my father. So for a change, try not to be that selfish and only think about yourself. He's sick and this would crush him. I'm not even fucking sick and this is killing me. What do you think how he would react?"

He looked away, clenching his jaw as he ran his fingers through his hair.

As you watched and listened to his words from before, a part of you was almost jumping in happiness and excitement. Tony cared for you. But, the other part told you this wasn't true. You knew you were never meant for love. He would change his opinion with time. He would grow bored of you. It's better if everything ended now, no matter how much it hurts.

Tony was angry. He couldn't believe you were doing this to him. Maybe it was because you were with one of those doctors back at your house. Tony wasn't sure if that was true, but if it was, he wouldn't bother you anymore. He was so used to breaking hearts of girls left and right, without caring for their feelings. But, it was weird once it happened to him. Karma is a bitch. He almost laughed at his own ironic thoughts. He was sure you were sent to him to make him pay for his mistakes, for hurting those poor girls during past years. He was angry and he tried to stop himself from saying things he didn't mean. But, he couldn't stop it.

"Caring for you, Y/N, is the biggest mistake I ever made. And you can be sure I will never repeat it again. Goodbye."

Your lips parted in shock as you let the tears fall, feeling pain spreading through your chest as it became harder to breathe. You were right. You weren't made for love. Nobody could ever love you. You watched, unable to speak, as he turned around and left. You slid down the wall, feeling yourself hitting the floor. As you gasped for breath, you raised your hand to blindly search for your phone on the table, dialing Alec.

"Alec... " You choked out. "I... Tony... "

"What's wrong, Y/N?"

"He... I need you... "

"Are you having a panic attack? Shit. Wait for me. I'll be there as soon as I can."

You didn't hear anything he said after that, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you passed out on the floor.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now