Part 27

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Another week later, you almost fully moved into your old room. That was where you spent most of your time, anyway. You spent your days closed up in that room, drunk. Completely drunk. Until, you fainted in the kitchen that morning. Luckily, Alec was there. He brought you into your room and made sure you got medications and an IV.

When you opened your eyes, the brightness almost blinded you."Fucking hell."You mumbled out as you sat up. The door opened, revealing Alec.

"Look who's finally awake." He smiled when he saw you.

You rolled your eyes. "Don't you have to take care of my dad or something?"

"I'm here in case he gets sick. For now, he's good." Alec replied. "So, I thought why not come in here and see how you're doing. It seems I'm taking care of you a lot more than I do for him, anyway."

"I think I prefer the doctor in the morning shift... what was her name again?"

"Lauren." Alec replied, checking on the IV. "Alright. You're free to go now."He took the plastic out of your arm, placing a cotton pad on top of the place where it used to be. You admired him as he did it, and he met your gaze with a small smile." Y/N, we talked about this. You're not eating properly. Again."

"Because I'm not hungry."

He sighed. "I'm worried for you. Do you want to talk about you and Tony?"

"No." You replied right away, looking away from him.

You were desperately trying to deny your feelings for Tony until now. You always thought you were simply unable to find someone to love, or... someone to love you. You never actually had falling in love with anybody in your plans.

"Why are you doing this then?"

"I just need to feel something." You told him, meeting his gaze. His face wasn't far from yours. He was so close you could feel his hot breath on your face. Your gaze dropped to his lips before you quickly looked up again."Please... "

"Are you sure?"

You nodded, already beginning to ubutton his shirt. He closed the distance between the two of you, his lips kissing yours softly. You relaxed into it, kissing him back as your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer.

"Y/N..." He breathed out as his hands went under your shirt.

You took a sharp breath when you felt his hands on your bare skin. Your eyes squeezed shut as you tried to think of anything else but Tony. Alec's hand found its way to your thigh, your inner thigh and then he trailed it all the way under your skirt.

You harshly pulled away from the kiss, grabbing his wrist. He pulled away, a puzzled look on his face."What's wrong? Did I do something?"

"No, no. It's not your fault." You shook your head. "I just... I'm sorry."

"Hey, I get it." He said, placing his hand on your cheek. "It's fine. You have nothing to apologize for. If anything, I'm sorry." He smiled down at you. "Do you need anything?"

"Do you have more of those sleeping pills?"

"Y/N... I said I can't give you-"

"Please, Alec. I need it."

He sighed, pulling out the bottle pill from his pocket. "Fine. We'll talk about what happened when you wake up?"

You nodded your head before taking the pill.

The next day, Alec walked up the stairs, only to see another doctor instead of Lauren coming out of your father's room. He quickly approached the slightly younger boy, pulling him aside.

"What are you doing here, Matt?"

"Lauren couldn't come." He said. "So, I was sent here. I didn't know you were friends with his daughter." He smirked as he gestured at the man behind the door.

"Stay away from her."

"Really? Why would I listen to you?"

"I know how you act with girls. Matteo." Alec warned. "Stay away from Y/N."

"I'll think about it."

They were interrupted by the sounds of footsteps approaching. Alec turned around, only to see Jane with Tony following her.

"Mr. Stark is here to see Miss Y/N."Jane said, gesturing for the boys to move away from your door. Alec didn't even realize he had Matt pressed against your door.

"She's not here." Alec replied.

Tony's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the boy. "How do you-"

"This house is only the place where she sleeps, drinks and complains. You should try her studio, she's usually there at this time of the day."Alec replied.

Tony felt uneasy. How did this boy know exactly where you are and what your routine is, and he didn't? Had Amanda been right about you all this time? Have you already grown tired of him and moved on to the next boy?

"I will." Tony replied, ignoring how Alec glared at him. He turned around and left, Jane disappearing as well.

Alec turned towards Matteo, glaring at him. "Do your job. You're here to make sure Mr. Y/L/N is alright, not hook up with his daughter."

Matteo let out a laugh. "Same goes for you."

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