Chapter 5 - The Guardian Fairy

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"Please note that all the images included in this story belong to their respective artists, and I do not claim ownership of them. I am simply using these images to visually represent my imagined interpretation of the scenes described in the story. Thank you for your understanding. Now, let's dive into the tale."

Stella's words hung in the air, filling the room with a sense of wonder. "It's a pleasure to finally introduce myself to you, Aurora," she said with a delicate smile. Stunned by her unexpected introduction, I found myself at a loss for words, captivated by the enchanting presence of the tiny being before me.

All I could do was gaze at the adorable creature before me, my mind racing to comprehend the surreal moment unfolding before my eyes.

Her tiny form radiating an aura of innocence and charm. As tears welled up in her eyes, my heart clenched in response. "Don't you like me, Aurora?" she asked, her voice quivering with emotion.

Caught off guard by her vulnerability, I scrambled to reassure her. "No, no, Stella, I like you very much. Please don't cry," I pleaded, desperate to alleviate her distress. "No matter who you are, Stella, you've always been the one I love the most. How could I not like you?" My words stumbled out in a rush, tinged with genuine affection.

In a swift change of mood, Stella's tears transformed into joy, her demeanour brightening instantly. "Yay! I'm Aurora's favourite person!" she exclaimed, her voice chiming with happiness. Unable to resist her infectious enthusiasm, I found myself laughing along with her, the weight of the moment lifting in the face of her boundless cheer.

I gazed at her in wonder as she transformed into a petite girl from a fairy-like figure, exuding an irresistible charm that seemed to defy age. Her green eyes sparkled with an innocence that tugged at my heartstrings, framed by cascading waves of blond hair that danced with every movement. A proud yet endearing pointed nose adorned her delicate face, while her cherry lips curved into an infectious smile that melted away any traces of sorrow. She was the epitome of adorableness, radiating a magnetic aura that enveloped me in a cocoon of warmth and wonder.

Amidst our laughter, I whispered softly, "Yes, Stella, you are always my favourite person and thank you so much for always being my side." As I met my mom's warm gaze, a sense of gratitude washed over me, enveloping us in a moment of shared understanding and affection.

As we arrived at the master's home, Stella turned back to her previous form and perched proudly on my shoulder, her presence filling me with a sense of awe. However, my thoughts were interrupted by my mother's urgent plea to the master. "Master," she began, her voice trembling with urgency, "I need your help to protect my daughter. I know you've already done so much for our family, but please, we need your assistance."

The master's response was measured, his gaze thoughtful as he contemplated my mother's request. "Enchantrice," he finally spoke, his voice carrying a weight of solemnity, "whatever protection I offer will only be temporary. The time has come to send her to the academy."

I was taken aback. How did the master know about the academy, and what significance did it hold? The mystery deepened, leaving me with a whirlwind of questions and uncertainties.

Mom's shock was palpable as she protested, "No, Master, it's too dangerous to send her to the academy. I can't bear to be separated from her." But the master intervened, his voice firm yet compassionate. "Enchantrice, you know well that the academy is protected by magic. Your daughter will be safe there."

Mom persisted, her concern evident in her voice. "But, Master, she knows nothing about this world." The master remained resolute. "She will learn," he assured her, then turned to me, his gaze piercing yet gentle. "My child, you must learn to fight for yourself. How long will your mother be able to protect you?"

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