Chapter 1 - Way Back Home

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"Please note that all the images included in this story belong to their respective artists, and I do not claim ownership of them. I am simply using these images to visually represent my imagined interpretation of the scenes described in the story. Thank you for your understanding. Now, let's dive into the tale."

In the quiet depths of the night, I found myself standing at the edge of a vast mountain range; I gazed out at the breathtaking scenery before me. Beside me stood my mother, her presence a comforting anchor amidst the beauty of the wilderness.

In front of us stretched a bridge, its sturdy structure spanning a beautiful river flowing below it. On the other side, a magnificent mountain rose into the sky, its towering peak bathed in the soft glow of the moon. Around us, the trees swayed gently in the mountain breeze, as if their leaves whispering secrets to the night.

As I took a step forward, I heard a deafening roar that shattered the tranquillity of the night, and my heart leapt into my throat as I watched in horror as the earth beneath us gave way. A landslide cascaded down the mountainside, sending rocks and debris hurtling towards us with terrifying speed.

With a cry of alarm, I reached for my mother's hand, our fingers intertwining as we ran for our lives. But the ground crumbled beneath us, and I stumbled, falling into the path of the oncoming disaster.

Just as all hope seemed lost, a brilliant light pierced the darkness, its radiance holding back the tide of destruction. I watched in awe as the landslide halted in its tracks, the rocks and debris frozen in midair as if by magic.

Gasping for breath, I awoke from my dream, the familiar glow of the moon casting shadows across my room. With a weary sigh, I shook my head, the remnants of the dream still lingering in my mind like tendrils of mist.

This was not the first time I had these weird dreams, nor was it likely to be the last. Night after night, these dreams haunted my sleep, its vivid imagery and sense of foreboding leaving me restless and unsettled.

Shaking off the last traces of unease, I got out of bed, unable to drift back into sleep. I tidied up my bed, smoothing out the sheets and plumping the pillows, finding comfort in the familiar task. Downstairs, I made a simple breakfast, but my mind was still troubled by the dream I had just experienced

Turning to my study table to distract myself from a troubling dream, I brought along a bowl of fruits and cereal for company. Lost in the pages of my textbooks, diligently preparing for my upcoming college entrance exam, I briefly escaped the unsettling images that plagued my mind.

Yet, amidst the academic focus, a nagging question persisted: What's the purpose of my life? Since childhood, a lingering emptiness has lingered within, me despite the love of my family. Though they offer unwavering support, I still feel incomplete, yearning for clarity in this vast world.

As the sun began its ascent, I ventured out for a morning stroll, a small offering of food in hand for the birds and animals I often encountered along the way. Having recently arrived in the bustling city for my college entrance exam coaching, I couldn't shake the stark contrast between the urban chaos and the serene nature of my hometown.

With a heavy sigh, I made my way toward the nearby park, seeking solace in its relative tranquillity amidst the city's clamour. Arriving at the park, I found it nearly deserted at this early hour, save for a few feathered friends that eagerly approached as I walked. There's always been a connection between me and animals; their presence brings me a profound sense of contentment.

I scattered some food for the birds, relishing their fluttering wings and cheerful chirps. Then, like clockwork, the familiar black cat emerged from the shadows, drawn to my presence. With a gentle smile, I poured some milk into a container I had brought along, offering it to my furry companion.

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