Chapter 3 - The Broken Amulet

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"Please note that all the images included in this story belong to their respective artists, and I do not claim ownership of them. I am simply using these images to visually represent my imagined interpretation of the scenes described in the story. Thank you for your understanding. Now, let's dive into the tale."

As I drifted to unconsciousness, the boundary between dream and reality blurred, transporting me to a dense forest where shadows danced among the trees. Fear gripped me as I felt the pounding of my heart matching the rhythm of my footsteps, each one echoing in the silent expanse of the woods.

A sense of urgency propelled me forward, driving me to run faster, to escape whatever unseen terror pursued me. But just as I felt the claws of fear tightening around me, a sudden shift occurred, and I felt myself lifted by an ethereal lightness.

Surrounded by warmth and comfort, I heard a soothing voice, gentle and reassuring, beckoning me forth. "Come on, child, the time has come," it whispered, its melody wrapping around me like a comforting embrace.

At that moment, a hand extended towards me, offering solace and guidance. Without hesitation, I reached out, feeling the warmth of connection as our fingers intertwined.

And then, abruptly, I awoke from the dream, my eyes fluttering open to the familiar sight of my room bathed in the soft glow of dawn. Beside me, my mother sat, tears streaming down her face as she clutched my hand in hers, a fervent prayer escaping her lips, pleading for my return to consciousness.

Gathering my senses, I reassured her with a gentle squeeze of my hand, comforted by her presence and the warmth of her love enveloping me. As the remnants of the dream faded, I found solace in the tangible reality of her presence, grateful for the blessing of another day

As my eyes met my mother's teary gaze, her relief palpable, she exclaimed, "Oh my god, do you know how worried I was? I told you not to go outside!" But amidst her concern, my mind was consumed by thoughts of Stella. "Where's Stella? Is she alright?" I asked, my voice laced with worry.

Thankfully, my mother's response brought a wave of relief. "Thank god, both of you are alright. Yes, Stella is fine," she assured me. Just then, Stella bounded into the room, settling herself on the edge of my bed, her presence a comforting reassurance.

As I glanced at my mother, I noticed a troubled expression clouding her features, as if she were lost in deep contemplation. With a reassuring smile, I assured her of my well-being, hoping to alleviate her worries.

After a moment, my mother left the room, her parting words carrying a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos. "What would you like to eat, dear? Come down, I'll make something light for you," she called from downstairs.

Taking a moment to freshen up, I followed Stella's watchful gaze as she trailed behind me, her concern evident in every step. Descending to the kitchen, I found my mother already busy preparing a meal. She served food to Stella first, a gesture that warmed my heart, before offering me a comforting bowl of porridge.

Sitting at the table, I savoured the simple nourishment, grateful for the warmth of my mother's care and the reassuring presence of Stella by my side. Despite the lingering worries, there was solace in the familiarity of our shared moments of comfort and connection.

As my mother attended to me with concern, her question about my well-being tugged at my heart. "Better, Mom," I replied with a reassuring smile, not wanting to burden her with further worry.

Seeking to change the subject, I casually mentioned the name that had been lingering in my thoughts. "Do you know of an academy called Aetherium Academy?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued. The suddenness of my question seemed to catch my mother off guard, her expression shifting to one of surprise.

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