Chapter 4 - The Master Healer

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"Please note that all the images included in this story belong to their respective artists, and I do not claim ownership of them. I am simply using these images to visually represent my imagined interpretation of the scenes described in the story. Thank you for your understanding. Now, let's dive into the tale."

Confusion swept over me at her cryptic words, and before I could inquire further, she said "We need to go somewhere urgently" she took my hand and led me away from the familiar surroundings of our home. 

We journeyed to a small, ancient house nestled far from the town, near the other edge of the woods. I recognized it as the dwelling of the previous herbal doctor's place, who had passed away, leaving behind  his home to an Old man. Some referred to him as the "Master Healer," though the reasons for such reverence remained a mystery to me.

As we approached the weathered door of the ancient house, a sense of nostalgia and mystery enveloped us. With a gentle knock, the worn wood echoed in the silence of the surrounding woods. Soon, the door creaked open, revealing a young boy who greeted us with a curious glance.

My mother, with a determined air, inquired if we could meet the master healer. The boy nodded, disappearing briefly into the depths of the house. After a moment, he returned, granting us permission to enter. As we stepped over the threshold, a wave of warmth washed over us, despite the ageing façade of the dwelling.

Inside, the room exuded an aura of tranquillity and antiquity. A scattering of plants adorned the corners, breathing life into the aged interior. In the centre of the room stood a sturdy table, cluttered with an array of herbal medicine equipment, hinting at the healer's trade.

Seated beside the table, a figure emerged from the shadows, his presence commanding yet serene. The master healer, with his wise eyes and flowing beard, exuded an air of reverence, akin to that of a sage or saint. As we approached, a sense of anticipation mingled with reverence, for we knew that in this humble abode, hidden amidst the trees, lay the key to unlocking the mysteries that had begun to unravel around us.

As we entered the master healer's humble abode, his words greeted us with an eerie familiarity. "Take a seat, Enchantrice, I have been expecting you since yesterday," he beckoned, his tone carrying an unsettling certainty. My heart skipped a beat—how could he have possibly anticipated our arrival?

Taking our seats before him, my mother's voice trembled slightly as she addressed the Master. "Sorry to disturb you, Master, but something urgent has come up," she explained, her words laced with concern.

To our astonishment, the Master healer responded with a calm certainty that sent shivers down my spine. "I know," he stated simply, his gaze piercing. "The amulet got fragmented while saving the child from the accident."

I gasped in disbelief. How could he know about the amulet, let alone the details of the accident? I hadn't even disclosed everything to my mother yet. Before I could voice my bewilderment, my mother continued, confirming the master's words. "Yes, Master," she affirmed. "And this led to the second attack yesterday, but Stella saved her safely."

My mind reeled at the mention of Stella's name. How could my faithful companion have intervened in such a manner? But before I could process this revelation, a sudden blast from outside shattered the silence, sending shockwaves through the tranquil atmosphere of the room

The master healer stepped out, and we trailed after him. From the woods emerged a handsome man, but there was something unsettling about him, like a dark cloud hanging over him. As I watched, the master healer uttered a single word that sent a chill down my spine: "Vampire."

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