Act 8: Sweet Archipelago Part 1: The Easy Part

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"Seems like you are here. I've heard 'bout you. You want to kill Cake Queen, huh? Even I cant do such a feat as an old man like me! But I can certainly train you." Zebax, as an old man, about 85, wasnt strong enough but was willing to train them. "We shall need such training if I had problems with Via." Judge was beat up quite a lot, so he needed to heal. Judge used some souls to heal himself, and decided to agree to Zebax's deal. "There is one technique I need you to know. Power Rato is strong, but Advanced Power Rato will make a stick more of a blade of a master such as Leo. Well not that strong, but near that level. Firstly, take out your blade." Tuffy took out the Dragon Pipe and Judge took out his sword, nicknamed Tamagashi. "Now use your Power Rato" While Tuffy's Dragon Pipe got a blue flame around it, Judge's Tamagashi got a red glow. "Now, think of your darkest moment where you had no hope." Tuffy was standing in a field and there was his father

"RUN 20 LAPS, NOW! OR ELSE ILL MAKE YOU DEAD!!! YOUR STUPID ANTICS ARE USELESS! IF YOU DONT RUN 20 LAPS, ILL SHOCK YOU INTO A FLIPPING BAGGUETTE MACHINE!!" Tuffy started running, while Pipe D. Dragon was speaking in the dullest monotone possible. "The government is winning, you are our only hope. The next generation, you and your stupid little pirate friend Maron are the only hope other than some run-of-the-mill pirates. And as things are looking, our hope is lost." He lost the monotone "SO PROVE OTHERWISE!!! PROVE YOU ARE WORTHY OF BEING IN MY POSITION WHEN I DIE IN BATTLE!!!" Tuffy shed tears; this is his 10th time of running 20 laps this hour. He was fast, but he was exhausted from his laps. "Father Sir, May I take a break? I finished the 20 laps!" Pipe D. Dragon was exhausted from screaming at his bloodline "Sure Sonny Boy, I'd do the same. But listen, you are strong. You have giant potential, I cant fit it into this field! So, even if you dont become worthy, you will still be a strong man. Now, after that, RUN 20 LAPS!!!" Tuffy snapped back into reality and was filled with anger, determination and understandment. His blue flame erupted into a green, soul flame.

Judge, on the other hand, remember a certain man. Well not a man, but a time. Judge was sick with a disease named Astrophilia, but a way to cure it is to inhale a certain gas, Soul Gas. Soul Gas was only conceivable using a Angel Scream another man wanted, a strong pirate who controlled the part he lived in, the man was The Producer. The Producer was immortal, but he was feared aswell. But so, an agent of his named Donus, was willing to give Judge the Angel Scream. As he gave the Angel Scream to Judge, The Producer stood on the side of them. The Producer, losing his chance to get the body of ANYONE using the Soulswap ability, shot Donus before Judge could thank him. Judge, hearing the gunshot, ran into a pile of dead bodies to hide from the Producer. The Producer didnt notice him, and Judge decided to flee into Skylabasta the first moment he could. Finally snapping out, Judge let out tears as his sword Tamagashi got a blue wave before shaking the ground itself.

Zebax looked at them proudly, as if they are his sons "You did it indeed! Now, you can go and defeat her-" but before his sentence could be finished, they were in another ship. Nobody was on the ship, and everyone on the crew was there. Tuffy saw a note "AHAHAHAHAH!!! I HAVE GIVEN YOU THIS SHIP FOR NO REASON. BUT DONT THINK IM YOUR ALLY!!! ILL HUNT YOU LATER, JUST DO YOUR THING AND ATTACK HER!!! AHAHAHAHAH, CLOWNER, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS CLOWN OF DEATH (BY ME OF COURSE!)" The ropes were quickly untied since Sinjbai was good at that thing due to some… personal experience… and they started sailing to Cake Island, which was renamed into Sweet Archapelago due to the fast addition of islands.

When their ship entered the island, a man covered in jam was waiting for them. Immediately, he made a giant jam punch and he hit Katan with it, but Katan's dough deleted the punch's effect. "Oh, you deflected my Jam Punch! Well, then the wrath of Jamson will fight you until your death!" Katan became bored with Jamson, so Sinjbai stepped up "Meh, this'll be easy. I'm not that weak. Besides, I have some experience with it!" Sinjbai instantly started kicking Jamson in fast speeds, pushing him back. Jamson tried to make armour, but he became unfocused with every kick. But, in very fast motion, Jamson made a dragon head and devoured Sinjbai with it. Sinjbai was surprised and immediately broke off, but Jamson created a shield with spikes and powered it up using his jam powers and Power Rato.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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