Act 4: Long Story Short: Tragedy

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As Tuffy looked at the sky, not knowing where to sail, he thought of his childhood friend Marun, who was abused in his crew and who Tuffy, on their final meeting, told him jokingly to join the marines. What happened to Marun? Why did he disappear? He didn't know that. Yet he felt he will meet him soon. But not now. He decided to cook some noodles. He boiled some sea salt water (no need to salt, the good thing about living in the sea) and after they boiled he put the noodles in for about 9 minutes. Afterwards he used the water to cook broccoli and carrots for 5 minutes and afterwards he served it hot.

As he ate his soup, Namin said "We are here!" and the view of Central Jungle opened to Tuffy's eyes. It was a giant city with enormous amounts of green and white colours. Flowers grew vividly and mountain peaks shined through the sky. The port was made out of rock and was luxurious, yet simple. Its sky's colours ranged from baby blue to navy blue. As the crew walked into the city, a handful of citizens greeted them with open arms and traditional salad.

But when Tuffy looked around, he found a statue of Blakaziru with the following words engraved: "To Blakaziru, The heroic Admiral who won Pipe D. Dragon." Tuffy was confused, since he knew his father was alive, yet he ignored it.  He went to a building named "Travel Hub: Maps and Navigations." and asked for Skano islands. But the secretary replied with a strange answer "Skano island maps are hard to find and create. I recommend you go into our main store in Eggbark Isle or hire our specialist on maps and technology Ranky. He is a pirate with a bounty even now, so he will be good with joining your adventures!"

Tuffy was quite desperate yet he had cash from winning alligator (He redeemed the bounty from a marine by pretending to be his older brother-by-trust Katan D. Flai, who didnt have a bounty) so he accepted "Where is your so called Ranky?" Tuffy asked. "In the Golden Goat and Silver Rum Pub of course! Everyone from Marines to Pirates are there, and they cant fight or redeem bounties there, thats why they all are together!"

It was getting late, and Tuffy finally got into the pub. He found himself seeing both Blakaziru and Ranky in the pub, drinking rum together and singing various travel songs. As Tuffy approached Ranky, his robot arms saw Tuffy from behind and notified Ranky himself, who immediately asked him "What do you need, Small Boy?" while looking in confusion. Tuffy answered "I need you to navigate my crew to Skano Islands, Rankos!" which Ranky replied with "Lets atleast talk about the travels here for a bit!". As the night went on, Ranky and Tuffy were talking about nothing in particular, bonding over time. As the morning sun opened its eyes, Ranky and Tuffy were on board (even though Tuffy was sleeping). Ranky immediately told the crew to sail for the island where a certain agent of the company can create the ink used to make the map clear.

As they stopped sailing for the night and threw the anchor, Tuffy finally woke up. Everyone except The Jackateer were sleeping, so Tuffy decided to check where they are. When he checked, he was shocked to see another pirate ship right beside them, where the captain and the co-captain decided to check. It was a pirate named Clown D. Best or Clowner by his enemies. As they saw each other, Tuffy used his Power Rato to use the pipe to propel himself to the ship.

Clowner: Hello, why are you here? This is my stop!
Tuffy: No, we are sleeping
Co-Captain of Clowner (Blundus): We dont care. We also are sleep, but you make noise.
The Jacketeer: Cant you just get another spot?
Clown D. Best: Not really, it has an island with magma, the material my makeup's made from

Tuffy was interested but not enough. He jumped off Clowner's ship to his own He decided to just eat some food. As he was cooking a sea-food dinner, it already became morning. As they all woke up, the fish was ready (it was slow-cooked) and they ate. Tuffy was curious when will they get to the ink isle yet he didnt want to be awkward with Ranky. But Ranky understood the situation and said "We will be there the next day, the wind is furious. We will probably crash, but a bunch of convinient-plot-armoured-and-very-good-islands-who-make-very-durable-ships are there, so we must be fine."

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