Act 2: Gravel Loses Against Fire

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As he looked back, he saw Alligator, smoking a sigar and using his shrine powers to attack The Jacketeer. J immediatelly looked at him and attacked him, using his Hardening Rato to hit heavy damage, yet Alligator barely felt it. Then, Alligator, powered by being annoyed, used his Power Rato to power a stick and hit The Jacketeer into the toilet room. Afterwards, Alligator left. The Jacketeer was knocked out, yet not dead. He woke up to Namin reading a book about the greatest pirates. He was put into the living room by Sinjbai. Namin immediately noticed him and talked to him about the book

Namin: Your awake! Anyways, I found out that GreyStache buried a treasure and its like SUPER RARE!!! Giving off Adventure vibes!

The Jacketeer: We wont do that just now. We need to get to the cave. But maybe someone knows Pipe D. Dragon?

As they walked into the village, silence grew as the citizens were scared of another oppression. Babies were crying, yet one sound and it will end it all. As they came into the post office, the mailman greeted them silently. The Jacketeer didnt want to continue the silence

The Jacketeer: Hello. Any mail in the past 5 years from the person of Pipe D. Dragon?

As the Jacketeer said the name, it felt as the whole building shook. The mailman looked at the Jacketeer in surprise

Mailman: Are you Pipe D. Tuffy?
The Jacketeer: Yes.

The Mailman gave a letter and a package to Tuffy, and he opened it. There, Pipe D. Dragon wrote to his son "Hello son. This will probably mean you found where I went missing. It is all because of a man named "Hawkling", one of the strongest men I met. He was a strong man, and now is He wanted me to tell where GreyStache's treasure is, but Leo saved me before it was too late. I should be in the Skano Islands, the islands in the sky. But, do not ever attack One-Eye Eagle. He is the current strongest (and living) person. See you there…"

As The Jackateer read the mail, he opened the package to see his fathers pipe, The Dragon Pipe, one of the strongest weapons on earth. But he cant base his battle on PIPE alone. He understood he needed to learn Emperor's Rato. But quick, as crocodile is planning to destroy the cave.
As he thought of a plan, he heard a ship arrive. The ship had a red haired skeleton on its flag, and the one to come out of the ship was Leo. As Leo came out, multiple of Alligator's men attacked him, but Leo used Power Rato and sliced them into a clean, red half. He approached Tuffy.

Leo: Come on, I knew you couldnt do it without me! Well, I think you need to atleast know how to use Emperor's Rato.

Tuffy: Fine So how?
Leo: Firstly, grip your weapon, like your Dragon Pipe.
Tuffy: Afterwards..?

As he finally learned how to use it, he became strong enough. He knew he can win Alligator's Men or even his Right Hand, Mouser. He won, or did he?

As they crept to the cave at night, they noticed the two men guarding the cave. Zurrop immediately sliced them. When they entered, blue light changed into red, and a loud noise rang. The Jacketeer immediately understood they had an alarm. After about a second, 10 men came in. Tuffy hardened the pipe and used dragon fire to char a small amount of the guards. Afterwards, he got pierced. He, once again, understood: He will die, and he is dissapointed. He shouldve just be there. But when he felt that, he regenerated! After he regenerated, he felt more powerful, and he hit all of the guards with the PPIIPPEE and murderer them into oblivion.

As they came in a bit more, 2 guards attacked them and immediately died to Sinjbai's Fishmen Karate. Tuffy encouraged Sinjbai "Nice!". As a DOZEN of guards came in, the Reindeer, previously just living, ate a blue ball. As he ate it, he grew in size and got 2 spears. He immediately crushed the guards into powder and transformed into a reindeer, saying only one thing: "Chobin!".
The crew was amazed, and decided to name him Chobin.

As they came closer to the battle place, Alligator fell down, not dead and not hurt and told them "Dont be in what you dont want to be in." but Tuffy didnt care. He attacked Alligator with the Dragon Pipe, but it didnt do that much. He chuckled and unleashed a giant amount of gravel, hidden in the cave, deep below. But Tuffy knew something. He knew that he wont give up. He used his Harden Rato and finally, his Emperor's Rato. He then used his Power Rato and attacked Alligator. He unleashed hell in the cave (maybe even beyond hell). Alligator tried to control the gravel inside him, but it set on fire. The whole cave, except the exit and a spot, a small spot with a leather hat which had a gold ring around it and in gold written: The Chosen One.

As J placed it on his head, he realised his father knew it. He knew that he will become the true one. He realised he was needed. And he realised the fire is getting closer to them. After they ran out of the cave, the city became lively again and they got a 20% coupon at a local restaurant.

As they returned onto the ship, Tuffy thought of what he will do next. They didnt have a map to Skano, so what does he do? He thought, and remembered about the travelers hub: Central Jungle. As they thought about it, a ship came to Skylabasta, a Blue and White ship. As they hid, it was a marine putting up posters of their bounties. As the marine left, they looked at the posters

Tuffy picked his poster, which in bright colour had "500,000"

J: Nice! I got 500 thousand!
Zorrup: 100,000? How? I am stronger!
Sinjbai: 95k is a lot I guess.
Namin: 30k? Deserved.

Chobin looked at his small 200 bounty and said: "Chobin? Chobin!"

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