Act 6: The Traitor Of Eggbark

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As they sailed, after days, they found an island which was near Eggbark island. There they spotted a small merchant selling weaponry and armour. Namin immediately jumped to him and asked him "Whats the strongest thing you have?" and the merchant told her "The Staff of Nikano, the sun of the moon. Its 50 thousand though." Namin thought about it but bought it. The silver staff shined in the vast light of the Sun. Gold covered the bottom and there was an inscription in an ancient language, long forgotten from The ages of the Red Terrarian. The Red Terrarian was a strong and lawful yet dictating ruler who ruled earth for thousands of years. Nothing more (except there is. Imma start some easter eggs also I'll add some words cause when it ends at 1 it says "1 word" like what the hell) nothing less. They decided to stay the night, and at noon they woke up (DONOTASKWHY) and went to their ship.

As they started, a sound of a beg came before them. A man who looked like a leopard screamed "Dont leave! I need a place to stay!". The Jacketeer turned around and said "Fine, Come with us." but the Leopard-Man said "Wait! This is a manga-ish book! I gotta tell you my backstory!" and Tuffy agreed.
"I once ate in the most expensive restaurant in the world, "Le Traup". After that, I became this… Monster. Not even my own family accepted me. I was left alone. I hunted wolves for over a year, like this. Please, Fishermen, let me be with you." Tuffy was quite insulted by "Fishermen" but remembered that every pirate must have a sad backstory so he accepted "We are pirates, not fishermen, but ill let you in. Whats your name?" and the man answered "Robe Luki". Almost everyone greeted the newcomer except Sinjbai, who had an unexplainable feeling that something's wrong.

As the day continued, Sinjbai thought and thought and remembered Ranky made contact with Leo and made a contacter bottle. He called Leo "Hey Leo, ummm… Do you know a guy named Robe Luki?" which Leo replied to saying "He was or is a marine, not sure… He ate one of the Angel Screams and… He is a pretty good spy. Nothing else I can find in my mind… Oh wait! Yeah, dont ask him about Kamachuni Korus. He might kill you and me. Well possibly. He is powerful enough to end the crew, so dont talk to him. Well, unless Flai talks to me. I have some Angel Scream info about the dough he makes. Seeys'ah!" Leo hanged up. Sinjbai decided to talk to Tuffy about the matter. Tuffy, even while still feeling like something was off, denied the idea.

When the night started, so did the conspiracies. Sinjbai looked at Robe Luki's room and found white-and-blue uniforms, guns (which pirates dont usually carry) and a strange note:
"Hello, Robe Luki. I would like for you to join the Jacketeer Pirates for more information. Try to keep your spymanship a secret. I wish you the best. Use the true way you got your powers though. Anyways, The Jacketeer should be easy to neutralize, but his brother is a little bit stronger. Hope you the best in your spy adventures. -MGN''. Sinjbai read it again, but was caught by Robe Lukki: "Hello, Sinjbai." Sinjbai just asked "WHO THE HELL IS MGN" which Robe answered to with "My true boss. Now, I have a deal. You let me be and I wont make Fishman Fillet tomorrow." Sinjbai was scared. Robe Luki was a spy, yet if he said that to someone's face, he will become the next meal.

Tuffy stayed up all night, feeling something off about Robe Lukki. He then heard muffled talking between Sinjbai and Robe Luki, but was scared to open the door. He tried to put himself back to sleep, but the feeling didnt let go. He opened the door, but no sound came. A shadowy figure was there though, even when Tuffy didnt see it. And a Fishman was scared, almost begging to become a fishman fillet. Namin was still navigating the seas, not paying attention. At the nights end, a sudden scream was heard which said "WE ARE AT EGGBARK!!!". The entire crew woke up and saw something amazing.

A bustling town with markets, townspeople and eggdogs was presented. At the center, was a large, golden building marked "Travel Hub: Maps and Navigations Grand Office" and another one marked "Library of Nikano and Gironas, the gods of the Moon and the Sun, each respectfully." Ranky also woke up from his… i think like 4 day power nap what the hell… And decided to join the crew. As they came into the building, a woman asked them "Welcome, what would you like?" and Ranky immediately told them "We need to get to Skano." but the lady said "Yeah, We only give Skano maps to marines, a safety feature since lots of strong pirates are captive there. But if a marine decides to help you, I will get you a map which features a Skano route". They realised that they should call Maron. They walked out to the calling centre, but something stopped them. A marine man, with a REALLY long beard and blue eyeglasses, with almost 30 marines behind them and most surprisingly Robe Luki, were infront of them. On the marine's shiny uniform was a badge, in which is was marked "Admiral Kirohun, The Ice Monster"

A small, freezing breeze started to spark, but it soon became somewhat of a blizzard. Katan D. Flai used his dough powers to handcuff Kirohun to the ground, yet the blizzard still came. Tuffy saved everyone and ran away, but Robe Luki was behind them "Dont worry KRH, I can deal with these guys." Katan was immediately kicked into the ground and the others ran to their ship. Tuffy tried to use the Dragon Pipe, but Robe Luki was too fast. He dodged every flame. Tuffy thought "If rubber is faster when its hot, why dont I put the Dragon Pipe in myself?" and immediately did that. That would work but Robe Luki decided to take the pipe. As Robe Luki started actually dealing damage, a green portal appeared and a hand slapped Robe Luki into the ground and back.

Clowner appeared with some other people, and from there it was just chaos with meteors, flames and leopards begging for their life. Tuffy got hurt by 20 people (somehow) and still kept his ground. Katan made a shield for himself out of incredibly hot and cold dough and attacked with an incredibly cold dough megatron suit. Tuffy and Katan got out of there alive, unlike Robe Luki. He was lying on the ground, with blood spurt all over his body. Yet faint breathing was heard, as a sign of life and death. Kirohun sat next to the body and whispered "You wont die, Robe. I respect you as a man, as a father and as an agent."

Clowner followed Tuffy and Katan to the ship. When they all got to the ship, Tuffy asked Clowner "Why are you following me?" which Clowner responded to with "Because." and left. Tuffy thought and immediately understood that he needed to call Maron "Hey Maron! Can you do me a favor?" Maron picked up and answered "Tuffy, 'course! I'll be there soon." Tuffy decided to wait until tomorrow. He helped the city recover and did some shopping.

At an office in a mysterious island, a big man sat on a chair near a desk. Another man walked in. "Hello, Magmanos. How are we going to win these pirates again?". Magmanos just sat there but said "Blakaziru is a wild card, but Im sure he'll go onto our side using five-digit gold amounts." and the man who walked in replied "Hmm… Good idea. What about Clowner? He is a looming threat which will soon partner with Him." Magmanos looked with fear "The Producer? But he needs one more crew member to officially be a crew!" and the small man answered "I heard that a strong man is now their cook. Called Flick. Actually, a swift man, so we can hit them." Magmanos finally answered "Thanks for your time, Bosan. See you soon. I'm thinking of getting someone else, your still in the mission though, Firefist."

Bosan walked out of the marine office and went into a bar. There, a bar fight was hosted. As the fight continued, one of the people in the bar asked Bosan "Hey! You're a Vice-Admiral, why don't you fight to prove your worth it?" but Bosan replied "Fine, I see you are a pirate. Here's the deal. If you lose, I get to turn you in. If I win, I resign." The entire bar looked at the two. Everyone started chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" and Bosan screamed "We are starting… NOW" Fire erupted from Bosan's fingers and the pirate couldnt dodge. He lit on fire but he jumped into a barrel of wine. Bosan flied over with the flames and gave a cold smirk "Guess you need to turn yourself in, idiot." Bosan dissapeared out of sight and flew like an upside down shooting star.

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