Act 1: First Things First

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As a pirate ship sailed through the blue ocean, cheese slid through the pan with rice, jalapenos and chicken. A young adult, perhaps 16, was operating the pan. At his home stove, the delicious smell grew. As he looked at the sea, he thought of his father, Pipe D. Dragon. A legendary revolutionary who fought in the front lines, but went missing for years on end. As he ate his meal, he thought of discovering new islands and even finding his father. He just was sad. His mother died at a young age, and his father left at the age of 12. He sold fish in the market. Afterwards, he understood that he needed training from his mentor, Leo, an incredible swordsman who mastered the art of "Rato'', a thing which helps in every way possible. He went to his old friend, with a beard and a white moustache, and asked for training
MC: Hello, Leo. I need to ask you for something.
Leo: What is it? I need to show you the Emperor's Rato?
MC: No. I want you to mentor me to become stronger in Rato.

Leo was baffled by the request, and immediately understood why. He was a great friend of his father, and knew that he would try to help.

Leo: Okay! But I want you to look cool, so let's pick ya a name. One fateful day, you might mark your crew with it!
MC: I want to be The LeatherWearer.
Leo: No.
MC: The Jacketeer.
Leo: Perfect.

Leo hands his leather jacket to The Jacketeer, and so the training began. He trained for over a year and learned 3 types of Rato: Power Rato, which powers weapons to become even stronger, Harden Rato, which makes the thing you harden be as hard as a diamond and Vision Rato, which allows you to see from a long distance, through walls and more.
The Jacketeer: The Jacketeer.
Man: My name is Zurrop. Thanks again.
The Jacketeer: Okay. Welp, you need any other help?
Zurrop: I was just kicked out of the Alligator pirates, powered by Alligator, an incredibly strong gravel user. He rules Skylabasta under a strong dictatorship. I need a crew to stay.

The Jacketeer: Im planning to make my own, named The Jacketeers. Wanna join? I have a dream, I bet you have a dream. My dream is to find my father, Pipe D. Dragon.

Zurrop: My dream is to become the greatest swordsman every alive. I accept the offer.
The Jacketeer: We need more people though. Do you know anyone?
Zurrop: I know a guy named Sinjbai. He is half-fishman.
The Jacketeer: Fishmen? I thought they were a legend.
Zurrop: Not anymore.

As they bought a pirate ship, they found a cute reindeer-like thing. It was on sale, and so they bought it. It actually had a PHD somehow and was a very good doctor. Yet, it was strangely inactive. As it had its time, it just… sat there. As the ship finally sailed with its 4 members, they realised they didnt know where to go. They decided to firstly hire a navigator. As they sailed to the island named "Coronation Isle", Sinjbai spoke to The Jacketeer.

Sinjbai: Hey J, what will we even do first? There are no clues!

The Jacketeer: Dont ever call me J. And I do have a clue. My father vanished in the battle of Skylabasta. I heard that the battle where he vanished was in the Karabono caves It has snakes, but we will probably survive it.

Sinjbai: Fine, Fine, Jack The Eteer. Karabono cave. That place? Seriously? Well, thats on you. If i trip and fall into death, its on you JTE.

The Jacketeer: Call me J instead please.

As they got to their destination, a young woman with black hair immediately popped up.

Woman: Hey! I heard you needed a navigator?
The Jacketeer: Yes. So how much or is it for free?
Woman: Now free, I will rob you later.
The Jacketeer: Fine. Join, Nominator.
Woman: Its actually Naminator. The names Namin.

Ok, this is getting boring. As the ship sailed to Skylabasta, The Jacketeer looked into a small island. Then another and another. He felt sad, knowing that he might fail his crewmates. Zurrop, Sinjbai all of them! He just felt sad at even the mention of Dragon's name. He just felt blue. He knew that he is just tired, so he made a meal. He cooked some noodles and scrambled an egg. he fried a cow tongue and mixed it with rice. He sliced some fish. He made a good meal. As he ate it, he thought at what happened when he rescued Zurrop. He thought "I felt disappointed in myself and suddenly I bounced back bullets? How..? I heard of tales of people getting power using shrines, but did I use one..? I did, but To make a power shrine you need a dead soul and a smile shrine Did I use the shrine my mom died to? Who knows Who know-" As he was contemplating, Zurrop came into his room.

Zurrop: J, are you good? Its kind of late, and we just got into Skylabasta.
The Jacketeer: Yeah Im just tired-

As The Jacketeer finished his sentence, a gravel arrow missed him narrowly.

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