« Detention with Dolores »

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Me and Harry headed to dinner, where everyone was talking about what happened in the pointless DADA classroom. 

"He says he saw Cedric Diggory murdered..." 

"He reckons he duelled with You-Know-Who..." 

"Come off it..." 

"Who does he think he's kidding?" 


"What I don't get, is why they believed the story when Dumbledore told them last year." I could tell Harry was shaking madly so I took his hand to stop it from shaking with anger. 

Ron and Hermione shared more looks. 

"Why don't you guys just SNOG already." I said, accusingly. 

They both blushed madly, and I smirked. 

"The thing is, I don't think they believed Dumbledore in the first place, Harry." Hermione said after a long pause. "Oh, lets get out of here." 

We left, everyone staring at us. I rolled my eyes as we left the great hall. 

When we entered the common room to whispers and stares I sat on the couch next to Harry, putting my head on his shoulder. 

'Shall we do Snape's stuff first?' said Ron, dipping his quill into his ink. "The properties... ofmoonstone... and its uses ... in potion-making...'" he muttered, writing the words across the topof his parchment as he spoke them. There.' He underlined the title, then looked upexpectantly at Hermione.

Hermione wasn't listening, she was looking at the twins and a black boy with noddle hair with them, experimenting their Skiving Snackboxes. Multiple first years were chewing something that smelled like candy. 

"They've gone too far." Hermione said, going up to them. 

"Hermione no, they are just sweets." 

"You know they are just bits of Puking Pastilles, or Nosebleed Nougat. Or-" Hermione said, sternly.  

"Fainting Facies?" Harry said quietly as each student fainted and slumped in their seats. 

Hermione went up to them before Ron could stop her. 

"That's enough!" 

"Your right Hermione, this dosage looks strong enough." George said. 

"I told you this morning, you can't test your rubbish on students!" 

"We're paying them!" said Fred indignantly. 

"I don't care, it could be dangerous!" 

"Rubbish," said Fred.

"EARPLUGS!" I said. "At least they don't make you sick." 

"They're fine, see look, they're waking up." The other boy said, as he walked around putting purple sweets into their mouths. 

"Yeah look, they're coming around now." George said. There were first years stirring and as they woke up, they were extremely confused since they were on the floor or slumped in their chars without even knowing how it happened. 

"Feel alright?" George asked at the girl at his feet. 

"I-I think so." 


"It is not excellent!" Hermione said, accusingly. 

"They are alive, so its fine." Fred said angrily. 

"What if you made one of them really ill?" Hermione said. 

"We're not going to make them I'll, we already tested them ourself, this is just to see if everyone else reacts the same." 

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