Part 8

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Harper and Charlie were cuddling together on the couch when they hear yelling coming from outside the house. They quickly got up and went outside to see what was happening and they saw Bella yelling at Edward, Jasper, and Maddison. 

Charlie got in-between Bella and the other kids. "Hey! Whats is going on?"

Bella whos face was growing redder by the minute pointed at Maddison. "Her! It's all her fault! She doesn't want me to be happy with a future that I deserve! Maddison is trying to trick Edward into thinking I'm not his mate!"

Charlie groaned in annoyance while Harper hid her face in her hands.

Bella smiled as she nods her head, thinking that Charlie and Harper were on her side. Charlie shakes his head. "Your not Edwards mate."

Bella scoffed. "Who told you that? Let me guess, Maddison. She was trying to tell me that Edwards 'actual' mates name is Caspin, which, first of all, is a guy's name, and secondly I never met a Caspin before so she is lying."

Harper took a step forward while glancing at the other three teens who look like they want to rip Bella's head off. "Bella, I met Caspin, I didn't talk to him but from what I hear he is a really nice guy... Maybe it's time for you to move on."

Bella looked at all of them like they were crazy. "How could you say that? Me and Edward belong with each other." Bella continues to talk ignoring Edward who is shaking his head. "I deserve to be a vampire, and to live forever. Not Maddison. I deserve everything because I love Edward." Bella looks towards Jasper. "Maddison doesn't even love you... She greedy and will take everything you will give her-"

"Bella, enough!" Charlie yells making Bella stop. "You are not Edwards mate and you don't deserve anything." Charlie takes a deep breath. "Bella, because you are my daughter, I am willing to give you one more chance, one more chance to not piss everyone off because you didn't get your way. All we want is peace, Bella. So, please, the next time you want to bitch about something, keep your mouth shut."

Bella scoffed, staying silent for a moment before storming off into her truck and driving off. 

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