Part 6

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Harper followed her brother out of the Swan house and walks to were Jasper, Madison, and Bella were standing out in front. Bella was questioning the other two teenagers of why she wasn't informed of what is happening earlier and why Edward isn't talking to her. Both Jasper and Madison ignored her. 

Jacob stops walking just in front of them. "Whoever it was, he left his stink behind. It'll be hard to miss when we cross it again. We'll handle it from here."

Harper glares at Jacob. "Enough. We're helping each other. Madison and Jasper are mates, so he and his family are not going to leave this alone, just like how I'm not going to leave Charlie alone."

Bella scoffs and steps in the middle. "Me and Edward are mates too." No one reposed to her. "Plus no one should be fighting. This is about my safety, and Charlies."

Jasper glared at Bella. "Maddie's as well. For this, we'll work together." Jasper moves his glare off of Bella and tries to look more friendly to Jacob and Harper. 


Jacob and Harper were in charge of watching the girls when Jasper needed to hunt. Jacob and Jasper had gotten friendlier when they talked to each other. Harper was usually always in human form inside the house. It was easier and less tiring for her. 

Although no one really wanted this to happen, there was a good system going on, and surprisingly Alice has gotten nicer to everyone as well and apologized to everyone who she was rude to. 

Bella was still a bitch to everyone, always asking questions where her nose doesn't belong, asking where Edward was, and she was very surprised when she saw Jasper being friendly to a vampire she never met before. No one answered when she asked them who the new vampire was, should they tell her the truth, or should they keep it a secret for longer?


Harper and Charlie are sitting next together at the campfire when Jacob and Amelia came to the group hand in hand (for those forgot, because I know I would, Amelia is Jakes imprint, Sams younger sister, but she is not a shifter. not yet at least, still haven't decided). Harper smiled at them both in greeting as they sat down. The two teenagers smiled back at her, but Jacob frowns when his sister looks behind them and frowns. Turing around and seeing what his sister is looking at he groans. "What the hell?" 

Many people turn to see what the siblings are looking at and they frown or become confused when they she Bella speed walking towards them. 

Charlie is one of the many. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He asks Bella when she is in hearing rage. 

Bella stops behind Jacob and Amelia. "Jacob invited me."

Amelia turns to Jacob with a confused, and slightly hurt look on her face, she slips her hand out of Jacobs. Ameila knew that Jacob used to have a crush on Bella, he even used to ignore Ameila for Bella, he made plans with Bella when Amelia and him already had plans. So, when he imprinted on her and told her that he no longer had that crush, Amelia believed him. Maybe he isn't so over that crush like she thought. 

Jacob frowned when Ameila let go of his hand. "No, no... No. I did not invite you." 

Bella looks confused. "Yes, you did. You did earlier today over text."

Jacob looks at Bella like she is deranged. "You thought that was an invite? You asked me what I was doing today. I said Me and Ameila are doing to the tribe campfire tonight. That was it. There was no invite."

Bella shrugs. "Oh well, I'm already here." 

Billy sighs. "It seems so. Just sit down, we're getting started soon."

Charlie almost stood up ready to tell Bella to leave if it wasn't for Harper. "No, Charlie, leave it. If dad didn't tell her to leave, then its fine. It not a big deal."

Bella tapped on Amelia's shoulder. Amelia turned to face Ameila. "Yes?"

Bella gives her a fake smile. "Can you move over one? I want to seat there."

Ameila gives her a fake smile back. "Can you sit there, since I'm already sitting here." 

"No thank you. I want your seat." Bella fake chuckles. 

Amelia doesn't get a chance to say anything because Jacob speaks up. "It's fin you can move Ameila."

Ameila looks at Jacob shocked, she angrily chuckles and shakes her head. "Sure, no-" 

Ameila is interrupted by Jacob grabbing her hand and pulling her with him to the other side of the campfire to where Harper and Charlie are sitting. Jacob sits next to Harper and pats the seat on his right. "Ameila you can sit here. And now Bella has the seat she wants." Jacob smiles cheekily at Bella knowing she didn't want the seat. Jacob faces towards Ameila. "And now, we can still sit together."

Amelia sat down. "You are lucky. I almost had your sister hold you down while I'll cut your dick off." 

Harper smiles. "It's still an option if you want Amelia, I was ready to drown him." Charlie chuckles as he warps his arm around Harpers shoulders. 

Jacob smiles and kisses Amelia's cheek. "I would have it no other way." 

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