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It has been about two weeks since Bella took her little 'trip' to Italy. Bella was still grounded, which made her a total joy to be around (note the sarcasm). Madison has almost been suck to Jaspers side like glue, and vice versa, but in a healthy way, not like a obsessive way like Edward and Bella. It makes Harper's heart warm every time she sees them together and she sees how happy they are. 

Even with Bella being grounded Edward is around all of the time. Even at night which has brought anger to the adults in the house. Charlie said that he want to know when Edward was in his house when he's no supposed to be, so Charlie asked Harper when she smelt Edward around can she let Charlie know. And who is Harper to say no to her imprint, her Charlie. 

It's very amusing, for the most part, when Edward get caught in Bella's room at night. Charlie brust into the room and sometimes he had to look in the closet, under Bellas bed, behind the door, and any other hiding place in Bella room, and almost always Charlie find Edward. After Charlie kicks Edward out Bella starts throwing a fit. She starts shaking her head like crazy, blaming her fist into her bed, and screams, "No! You can't do this! I need him!" After the fifth fit the other Swans and the almost Swan bought noise canceling headphones. 


There has been lost of killings and disappearances in Seattle, which is a little outside Charlie jurisdiction, but Charlie and several other police men are being told to help out where they can. Harper and the pack believe that it's Vampire work but their not 100% sure yet. Harper sees how stress Charlie is getting from all of these cases and tries to do anything she can to help him. 

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