Chapter 18

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As the machine showed the three chibis marking Kiibo's fate, the eerie silence was still unbroken. Despite Kiibo being 'guilty', there was no Monokuma to drag him away.
"W-what's going on?!" Kiibo yelped.
Has Monokuma self destructed? Is... Is the game over?
"Nyeh... Can't we leave now..?" Himiko sighed as she walked to the still locked elevator.
Usually, it'd unlock after watching an execution... But there is no Monokuma to make the execution.
Which is good news for all except Tsumugi.
This isn't even REMOTELY despair-inducing! This is.... some trashy plot armor!!! Who's writing this?! Why isn't he dead?!
"It seems like we're still trapped here..." Kaito mumbled, his upgoing personality long-gone.
"S-so... Are we going to die here instead..? Trapped?" Himiko gripped her hat and pulled it down.
Actually this isn't so bad, Tsumugi thought, before now planning what to do.
"W-Sidekick?! You good?!" Kaito seemed a new man, and ran to his friend, who almost fell over.
"Huh? Kaito?" Shuichi still seemed dazed, along with Kokichi.
Himiko seemed to remember the other sick one and checked on Tenko, who seemed to sense Himiko whilst asleep and smiled.
"H-hey... Are we really gonna die here?" Miu said, fiddling with her hair.
They seem to almost easily slip into despair... Just a little longer!
"G-guys... I think we're stuck here. I don't think Monokuma's returning," Tsumugi said while putting a saddened face on.
"R-really?!" Himiko cried out.
"Hey... Is that text on the walls?" Kaito yelled (his natural voice of course).
Everyone gave him a blank stare.
"No, like literally. There's also faces dude." And that got them to look.
"It seems... There is human faces? And... Wait what?! The text is describing us.." Kiibo reported.
"Hey.. I swore there was another podium over there..? And where is the machine from earlier? What's going on..?"
Tsumugi smirked while her eyes lost her light.
This'll be fun...

i hope i can finish this story soon!!! also tsumugi calling me out for my bad writing... ouch!

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