Chapter 3

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Shuichi POV
I woke up to the morning announcements, and quickly headed off to breakfast. When I got there, it was strange not having Kokichi spout lies but he did just sit there, slowly eating food. I supposed the wet towel helped him.. Wait. Why isn't he with the others..?
"O-ouma-kun, why aren't you in the medical room with the others.?" I asked softly, given the fact that he looked like a lead could blow him away.
"It was stuffy in there, and I was too bored and I didn't want to stay in bed forever.." He sighed, continuing to eat his toast. He did look exhausted.. The rest of my classmates weren't too keen on having him leave yet, because they wanted their questions to be answered. Ah, poor Ouma-kun.. He'll be held up until lunch!
"Ouma-kun, when do you plan on going back to bed?" I asked, hoping he'd leave before my classmates bombard him with questions.
"I'm sure t-to sure myself to be honest..." He twirled a piece of his hair around his finger while still munching on the almost-done toast.
"So virgin, did you mean it when you said you were really the mastermind?" Miu said, straight to the point  I may add. She clearly knew what everyone was wondering.
"No, I'm not the mastermind.. But we needed an antagonist in the story, so I played to role.." He yawned, before setting off to the kitchen and placing his plate in the sink then setting off. Everyone seemed a little weary due to the fact that we no longer had a clear mastermind in order.   Monokuma hasn't shown as of late, but he must be wondering when the next kill would be. I very much dread the next body discovery. I set my breakfast plates in the sink also before heading off to the library to read. After Kaede's death, reading has become one of my favorite pastimes. As I scan through the books, I decide on one I usually wouldn't go for— romance. The description seemed promising, with the main character having feelings for his ex-partner, with it having a tinge of forbidden romance due to the main character being in the mafia and his love interest being in a detective agency.
It was now lunchtime, so I stretched and left my chair for some food. When I got there, Angie gave out the meals to us then took the other meals she was holding to the medical room, with one plate having quite a large quantity of sugar. I sincerely hope that when I awake tomorrow, there will not be a dead body to discover.
• you and me both shuichi!! I realize in this chap that I went off the canon timeline, and now someone will die, leaving me to write the trial 😭
• hehe soukoku sneak >_<
• idv danganronpa crossover in less than 2 weeks!!!
• hope y'all liked this chap 🙏🙏

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