Chapter 10

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Shuichi's POV
I wake up in the morning and I feel more warm than usual. It seems that I am sick. I feel on top of the world! I feel as if I can do anything! With that being said, I waltzed out of my dorm, my vision swaying, and headed to the cafeteria.
"Good morning!" I yelled, with a chirp in my tone.
"Wow Saihara, you're more energetic than usual!" Kaito said, patting me on the shoulder.
"I know!" I said, laughing. Kaito didn't get what was funny, so he shot me a strange look. Whatever, those who get it will get it.
"Hmm, Saihara, you look a bit sickly," Korekiyo said, cackling.
"I am sick, thanks for asking," I said, my vision blurring for a moment. Ouma sat there, in the corner of the table, and just now seemed to notice my presence.
"G..Good morning Saihara," He says, yawning in the process.
"Good morning Ouma," I said, strutting my way over to him, and taking a seat next to him.
"How have you been holding up?" I said, setting my hand on his thigh, and giving it a squeeze. A few people noticed, but I didn't care. I felt on top of the world, why would I be brought down? Ouma's face flushed at my action, then stuttered a meek 'okay..'. Perfect!
"My room, 8 pm." I said, then walked away. Everyone seemed shocked, and waved nonchalantly. What's their problem anyway?
Kaito's POV
Did I just see that right?! Did the socially awkward Saihara, my sidekick, publicly flirt with OUMA? Low standards... So low... My poor sidekick! Never in my days would I see Ouma blush, or even my sidekick be confident. It's... strange but a good look for him. It's nice seeing him not shrink. Good on him! He's so bold now too... It's like yesterday he still wore his hat! (insert sniffle) Won't Monokuma keep adding sick people or something... Ahh... Breakfast is here and more important! Time to dig in!

A/N i completely forgot abt writing tbh 💀 i hope y'all like this version of shuichi!!
i also made Kaito just Oumaphobic because it's silly when ppl make him homophobic like he's the most supportive guy you know but not to Ouma >_<
Happy early Halloween 💗 Ah, the chapters are in double digits, it's growing up!! *puts tissue on nose and blows*

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