Chapter Twenty one

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   Go to where you are celebrated not where you are tolerated.

                           ~~Anonymous ~~

       A week in something called honey would have been better in hell astagfirullah. I know at times I don't say something reasonable but don't blame me. In Norway I am just a maid to my husband who would cook and dispose the food later,Who would be his emotional listener, whenever he is pissed off, who would be his perfect wife whenever he is putting on an act. I sighed keeping the novel I am reading. It's time for zuhr prayer. In Norway here I only watch from the glass windows how beautiful the sun set is, how peaceful the evenings are and how melodious the birds will chatter in the garden with the butterflies scattered around the daffodils.

    Ayzar and his PA are at home today so that makes the day super bored. They are just in the garden working obviously... I entered the room to pray when my eyes met his. He is on the prayer mat probably finished his prayer. He is dressed in a black jallabiya with his hair that is swept across his forehead. He gazed at me and I gazed back. I am not ready for him not now it's too early for it. I quietly entered the toilet and performed my ablution when I came out he has already switched positions he is on the bed listening to Qur'an with his headphones because one thing I am sure is I have never seen him listening to music. I ignored him and quietly took my hijab from the closet.

   "Fajwa" he called when I am about to  leave the room.


    "Nothing" he answered. I quickly left the room. How can he call me and say nothing. He is just too mannerless for my liking.

    I prayed and did my azkhar in the parlour. Once I am done I folded the prayer mat and continued reading my novel.

   "Hey give me hijab" shalaija said tapping over my shoulder.

  "What do you mean?"

   "I want to pray" she answered

"Oh sure here it is" I gave her my hijab and I watched her closely as she cat walked back to the room. It doesn't bother me anymore for Ayzar and her to be in the same room. It's the least of my problem now. The door bell rang and I stood up to open. Guess who I saw sameer.

   "Fine girl can I come in?" Sameer asked after noticing the surprise on my face.

  "Oh sorry please do come in" I opened the door and let him in.

  "Honeymoon is not doing justice to your skin you look so pale" he commented.

   "Oh it's nothing just change of weather and  stress"

   "I can see that"

"Let me call Ayzar for you" I knocked on the door gently and opened it afterwards. Shalaija is praying in one corner of the room while Ayzar is near the window sipping his coffee with his Headphones that are glued to his ears

   "Sir Ayzar sameer is here" I said but noticed he didn't hear  me so I moved a bit and repeated the statement. He is this so lost in his world and I don't want anything that has to do with me having physical contacts with him. I still remember how his fingers dug into my skin that day.. I am still contemplating whether to tap him or not when he turned abruptly coming in contact with my face. I glared at those black smoky eyes and averted my gaze quickly.

  "Uhm sameer is here to see you" immediately I said that I left without hearing his reply.

   I came back to the parlour and joined sameer. Truth to be told sameer is just so kind and handsome plus he is a flirt like abdulmaleek. He hardly says something without me blushing.

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