Chapter Twenty five

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    Your light is TOO bright to put up with someone who casts shade on you.



  I dropped my phone on the vanity stool and I kept wondering where are we going to? A voice distracted me from my train of thoughts.

   "Najma, you have being on that tea for long" Aunty fadima said.

  "Oh Yes " I answered sipping my cinnamon tea.

"Who called?"

"It's Sir I mean Ayzar. He said we are going out"


"I don't know Aunty fadima I am wondering where we are going"

   "You sound just like jawhir. May her soul rest in peace"

"His wife right?" I asked.

"Yes you are alike. She would think just like you when Ayzar says they are going out. She would first inform me then spend half an hour searching for clothes then after dressing up she would still ask herself where is he taking me to"

  "Really" I chuckled. From the way everyone tries to talk about her. She must have  been a good woman. That is why Ayzar still have only her in his heart.

   "Yeah. Tell me are you happy with Ayzar. I have noticed everything between you two. You know I am like a mother to you" Aunty fadima said sitting on my bed while also sipping her cinnamon tea.

"To be sincere I don't really know. Sometimes he is good to me and sometimes otherwise ."

   "Do you like him?" She asked.

I almost chocked on the tea I am sipping. Like? never, never not in my wildest dreams. "No" came my firm answer.

    "Are you sure?"

"Yes" I said without hesitation. I hate Ayzar that it is.

     "Jawhir would say the same thing during her first month of marriage"

"Wait, I thought Ayzar loved jawhir. I mean he still does"

   "He kind of doesn't like her at first but jawhir being the girl she is,she managed to make a place for herself in his heart"

   "I like her already" I wished I met her. May her soul rest in peace.

"Everyone likes her. She is just like you. She would panic when things go wrong, she would insult Ayzar every now and then but later on she would say he is just a human with flaws. She is a very respectful girl and she tries her best to make sure everyone is happy. She is selfless just like you"

   "I don't think I would ever be like her Aunty fadima. She has won all of your hearts already."

   "No, most people in the khaima family didn't like her. It's only Amma that liked her. Because her marriage was also an arranged marriage. Ayzar was not given the choice to chose"

I could only say an 'O'.

  "You want us to talk about it?" Aunty fadima asked.

I nodded my head. I have always wanted to know something about Ayzar's past. "Yes please" I said.


The plane landed and the three grandsons of the khaima alighted from the plane.

    "We are back Naija" sameer shouted happily. He is just into his early twenties.

"Hello motherland" Mubeen said yawning.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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