Chapter Three

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   Life is not a rehearsal. Each day is a new show there is no repetition no  rewinding. So give your best show in all your acts as the show  goes on and on...

                                       ~Bluey Writer~♣


I am feeling very lazy today. After the jumaat prayers a lot of people came to buy cake. The cake business is prospering Alhamdulilah. I looked at the ceiling that is also staring at me. No one to gist with arfah and nihal have gone to a walimah in the neighborhood. Mama and baba are in the hospital so basically I am the only one in the house. I prayed the Asr prayer and read some chapters from the Qur'an then I just switched the mini TV  to watch. I can still remember when I bought it. It was a the birthday gift I gave nihal last year she was so excited because it's been long we had a TV at home since we left our old house. I was this so lost in watching the Chinese film when I heard a voice shouted Assalamualaikum.

"I have been here for a while you know" the lady said sitting on the two sitter chair.

"Rumaisah how are you it's been ages" I said fixing my gaze on rumaisah. We met in the university and she is a good friend of mine. Mind you these girl parents are rich. She Is associated to the royal family

"I am fine Alhamdulilah. I just felt like paying a visit today and here I am" she said flashing a grin.

" so nice of you thanks for dropping by"

"Hmm I heard a rumor that the CEO of LA vibe restaurant loves you" she said in a gossiping tone.

"Uhmm just let it be they are all rumours"  I said choking over my words.

Rumaisah stayed long. we gossiped and chatted and before the maghrib prayer she stood up to leave.

" Engineer when are we meeting again? You have never come to our house at least come to my marital home"

I felt guilty because Rumaisah is very kind despite our wealth and status difference she has always been there for me. I don't really want to involve myself with the rich kids.

"Don't worry I would come when our baby comes out"I said looking at her little bumpy stomach.

"Okay Engineer my baby and I would be expecting you. Let me get going before my husband comes back."

"Oh the people with husband" I said smiling

"Ah you better come and get married before you get old"

I chuckled and escorted her outside.

"Please take this milk cake I didn't know you were coming or else I would have kept some cake for you" I gave her the paper bag

"It's as if you know I am craving for cake. Let me get going i have guests today queen mother of kano is coming today"

My mouth formed an 'O'. We hugged each other before she zoomed off in her corolla latest edition. I am about to go inside when I saw Nihal and Arfah .

"Girls how was the walimah?"I  asked them after we entered inside.

" it was fun. Do you know Abdul Malik Jabeer the rich millionaire asked of our house address" Arfah blurted

"Hope you did not tell him" I asked almost panicking

"We told him of course" Nihal said.

These girls please remind me to put some senses in their dumb brain. Now what do I do? I can see him anytime from now.

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