chapter 12 - realization

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"What, you can't sleep with your best friend? You got a crush on me? Im kidding, Winnie. I know you don't." I tease.

Winnie widened his eyes and flushed red. I raised my brow, but he stuttered and denied what I said. Obviously he didn't have a crush on me .. but then why would he react like that?

I brushed it off and eventually convinced him to watch Child's Play with me. It's one of the simpler and older horror movies, so it's not that bad. Personally, I like it.

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It was around 1am now, and Winnie had gotten into bed with me. I didn't think much of it, but being in such close proximity with him made me nervous.

I couldn't sleep. The only noise was Winnie's slowed breathing, and my own. I sat up in bed and fidgeted with my fingers. Why can't I sleep? I usually fall asleep quite quickly.

I glanced over at Winnie. Yeah, he was dead asleep. I gently poked his cheek, and the only movement from him was Winnie turning towards me. Very asleep.

What time is it? I leaned over the edge of the bed and grabbed my phone. I turned it on, only to be blinded with the blue light. I turned my face away from it in surprise, fumbling with the screen and turning down the brightness to the minimum. It read 3:09AM.

I knew about the speculations about oh-how-scary 3AM was, but is it really? I sat up and looked around my room. There was some lumpy figure in the corner of my room, but that was definitely just a chair or pile of clothing.

But it moved. I swear I saw it move. I froze in place, trying to process if what I just saw was real.
I sunk lower into the bed, telling myself I was simply seeing things. Yeah, it's just a pile of clothing. Nothing else. You're being silly, Augustine. Stop it. Nothing's there.

Letting out a nervous sigh, I laid back down on my side and stared at Winnie, admiring his features. He was so pretty. His fair skin, his light golden blonde hair (i searched on pinterest for 20 minutes comparing different shades of blonde), his eyes, though closed, were such a beautiful shade of blue. His nose, his lips, everything about him.

But why was I thinking about him in such a way? I never thought about him this way. But .. is it a crush? Is that okay? I reached out, hesitating. I ran my fingers through his hair. It was unbelievably soft.

I knew he had some uttermost hair routine, but wow. I played with his bangs for a bit, curling the pieces around my fingers.

This is a crush. I realize. Is it okay for a boy to like a boy? I take my hand back. Winnie's still dead asleep, and the corners of his lips are pulled up in a small smile.

I wonder what he's dreaming about. I sit up, grabbing my phone and turning it on. I google my exact thought. I press enter, and thousands of articles pop up. Curious, I click on a few.

All of them said to love who you love, and that it's completely fine for a boy to love a boy. Unconvinced, I typed "am i gay for my best friend?" in the searchbar. Once again, multiple articles came up. The top choices were quizzes.

Against my better judgement, I click on one of the quizzes. I got gay. Gay? Really? I think to myself.

I search up what gay was to confirm my thought. Yeah, that's what it was. Am I gay then? I couldn't possibly be, right?

I turn off my phone and lay back down, the thought lingering in my mind. I face Winnie again. "Maybe I am." I whisper to myself.

I brush my thumb against his cheek, sighing. I seriously doubt he'd ever actually like boys. I'll ask him tomorrow.

Winnie sighs, wiggling around in his sleep. He reached forward, and wrapped his arm around my waist. What?

"What?" I say, in complete disbelief. I stare down at my waist, and there was his arm. He's just dreaming he's holding something.

I glance at him. Hesitantly, I inch closer to him. Winnie only pulls me in. I feel my face heating up.

I sigh, closing my eyes. Perhaps I could go to sleep. Finally, I did.

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I wake up. It was still dark out. Why did I wake up? What time is it anyway? My pillow's breathing. And my arm, what was it holding? What was my leg wrapped around?

I lifted my head, blinking as my eyes adjusted to the pitch black. Auggie. I widen my eyes. I had my leg wrapped around his, and my arm around his waist. When the hell did this happen?!

I freak out, realizing just how close I was to his face. He was asleep, and quite peacefully too. His breathing was steady and slow, and he seemed content.

I frantically poke him in the face, but all he does is groan irritably and bury his face in the pillow.

I sit there for a bit, frozen with shock. I had snatched my arm back from around his waist, but I wasn't able to free my leg.

Eventually, Auggie sighed and turned his face towards me. He looked so peaceful and sweet. Only one thing crossed my mind. Kiss him. Go on.

I sat there, my face inches apart from his. Do it. Kiss him. Go on. I shook my head, turning away and grabbing my phone. It was just about 5AM.


I tilt my head. He was awake. "Y-Yeah?" I reply anxiously.

"Uh.. nevermind."

I nod, laying back down and facing Auggie. We lock eyes, and neither of us look away. I can practically hear my heartbeat. I wasn't sure if it had ever beat this fast in my life.

Auggie had small freckles dotted across his nose and cheeks. He had fairly smooth skin. His eyes were a light brown, and there were small specks and lines of dark brown in there. I want to know so much more about him. More than anything, I wanted to kiss him.

Just as I was about to give up and get out of bed, I felt Auggie's lips against mine. What? The warmth of his mouth sent a current through my body. Hands cupped my face. I was lost in the moment.

As quick as he had kissed me, it was over. I became aware of my surroundings. I frantically sat up. "U-uhm .. I'm going to make myself something to eat .." Without waiting for an answer, I scramble out of the bed and down the stairs, leaving Auggie by himself.

thank you for being my friend. ° a winnie x augustine fanfic! (COLD FRONT) Where stories live. Discover now