chapter 8 - camping

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I'm not sure why I said what I said. It already came out of my mouth, sort of like .. word vomit. [mean girls reference?!]

I heard a pause on the other end. It made me uneasy. I said the wrong thing. He's gonna hate me!


Oh." Auggie replied.

"I-I'm sorry it's just--"

"You're .. you're fine. You're uhm .. I don't know what to say, Winnie."

"Yeah, I guess we'll change the subject. Do you still have your bear?"

"Yes. Do you have your elk?"

"Yes, Auggie."

We then began to talk about school. He said he started school tomorrow. Perhaps we had different schedules, or he messed up the month. Summer break started tomorrow for me.

"Oh, okay. How long?" Auggie asked.

"10, maybe 12 weeks. But I'll spend all day with you!" I grinned.

"Oh, cool! I'd love that, Winnie."

"Well, I have a suggestion! Do you want to go camping next week?"

"Yes. I'd love that." Auggie parroted.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." I said, hanging up the call. I lay down in my bed.

For some reason, I felt giddy. I felt really appreciated, and as if I was loved. But all I did was talk to my best friend. That shouldn't cause such a reaction.

I'll just have to go to my classes and wait for next week.

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Today was the day. I had spent my entire weekend with Auggie, of course. We went out together, to cafes and parks.

Today was the day we'd go camping! I'm so excited, it'll be so fun! We're old enough to go out there on our own too.

I decided to bring my car. I never really thought about it, but Auggie never used a car of his own. I knew his family to have more of an average income.

Perhaps they couldn't afford one. I had driven to his house the day summer break started. "Do you wanna go pick up some stuff for camping? Unless you already have some supplies." I asked Auggie.

We were sitting in his living room, which for now had a simple couch and a TV.

"Yeah, I have a tent and a bear proof cooler, and a single sleeping bag. We can go to the store." He said.

Auggie grabbed the cooler, opening it and putting in some food and drinks. It would suffice for tonight. He grabbed a backpack aswell.

I nodded. "Alright, then let's go." I let Auggie pick the music. It was decent. I hadn't heard of the artist, but the songs weren't bad.

We got to the store and I let him stay in my car. The sliding doors opened when I got near, and I went to the aisles that had so called camping supplies.

I got myself a sleeping bag, a lantern, stuff for s'mores, you've always got to bring the items for s'mores if you're camping.

Once I bought everything I needed, I headed back to my car and put it all in the trunk.

Auggie was waiting in the passenger seat, clearly impatient.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." I said nervously.

"Oh, sorry if I looked impatient!" He apologized quickly.

We drove to a forest that was popular with camping. There was an empty area. Auggie pointed it out. Sharp eye. I thought.

"Alright, do you know how to set up a tent?"

"No." He said. We got out the tent, and I struggled, a lot. It took thirty minutes just to set it up decently.

We put our sleeping bags in, and in the middle a lantern. I had a lighter with me. "Know how to set a fire?"

"Nope. Not that either, Winnie."

"Well, get some wood."

I grabbed a large log and placed wood planks and sticks on top of it that Auggie gave me. I tossed in some tinder. I kneeled down, flicking the lighter and hovering it right above the wood.

It set aflame, the fire bursting upwards and engulfing the wood. "Well, that should work! Wanna make s'mores?" I offered, turning to Auggie. A grin crept at the corner of his lips.

"Yes, please."

I got out the marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate I bought. Auggie brought roasting sticks. I put my marshmallow on mine, and raised it above the blazing fire.

It charred, and I pulled off the blackened outside. I think charred marshmallows are better, but it seemed Auggie thought the opposite.

"This is really nice, Winnie."

"It is. I like the outdoors, and nighttime." It was silent, but not to the point it was eerie. There was the occasional chirping of crickets and a hoot of an owl, but that's simply just nature.

We ate our s'mores, and packed the roasting sticks back into our backpack we had brought. I took the cooler out of my trunk, rolling it to our campsite. Auggie grabbed a bottle of water, and I a soda.

I crawled into the tent and into my sleeping bag.

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I couldn't sleep, and it seemed neither could Auggie. I heard shifting. I sat up.


i know this is a little bit of a boring chapter but i promise the next will be much more exciting.

thank you for being my friend. ° a winnie x augustine fanfic! (COLD FRONT) Where stories live. Discover now