chapter 4 - im NOT gay!

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"Would you boys like to go to the store with me? Please, a little old lady like me can't go alone!" Augustine's mom told us, trembling her lips in a fake manner, but to convince us.

I turned to Auggie, giving him a well-do-we-have-a-choice look. He groaned.

"Okay, fine Mom." Augustine said to her, with an irritated expression. Obviously she didn't notice, because she clapped her hands together in excitement and grinned at the two of us.

We got into her car. It was around 11pm, and I should've been back at my dorm already. I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble. I thought to myself anxiously.

Once we got there, she told us we could wait in the car. I thought waiting in the car was a better idea, and it seemed so did Auggie. We sat there for a bit, until I felt weight on my shoulder.

I turned my head towards Auggie. I looked down, and there he was, leaning on my shoulder. A giddy smile pried at my lips. I fought it back, keeping a stoic expression.

I stiffened up, and I could feel myself reaching a higher temperature. I was .. flattered. Why? Auggie's special, but not all that special ..

I felt him shift underneath me, and he pulled away. I panicked, grabbing him and pulling him back towards me. "No, no, stay. You're fine. You feel nice."

I furrowed my brow and grit my teeth, but surely he couldn't see my expression. It was quite dark outside. Why the FUCK did you say that?! I cringed at myself, but Auggie seemed .. relieved.

"O-oh, okay. Thanks, Winnie." He laid his head back down on my shoulder. I felt his shuddery breath just barely brushing against my skin.

Auggie calmed down a little, at least, body language wise. He didn't feel as frigid as before. Before I could hesitate, I lifted my hand and ran my fingers through his hair.

Oh, how soft the noirette's hair was. It was so, so soft .. and fluffy .. and--

The car doors opened, and Augustine frantically pulled away from me in a blink. His mom was unfazed, as if she never saw what happened. She probably didn't anyway.

A pillow was thrown in my face, followed by a few more on my lap and onto my legs. I yelped, followed by the hearty laugh of Auggie. He had such a gorgeous laugh. It was so sweet and sounded so, so nice. Like heaven to the ears.

Why am I thinking like this about him? I'm not fucking gay. Gays are so gross. They're faggots.

But I couldn't help but feel giddy and warm everytime he was near, nonetheless even more warm when he was in close proximity of me.

His mom dropped me off at my car and I waved them goodbye. I drove back to the school and rushed to my dorm. I opened the door as quietly as possible. When I did open it, I was met with the disgusting, caked-on-makeup-y face of Angelica.

"The fuck were you?" She demanded.

thank you for being my friend. ° a winnie x augustine fanfic! (COLD FRONT) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora