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The news spread like wildfire through their friend group. Arshi and Shiv were officially dating!

Arshi couldn't help but smile whenever she looked at Shiv. Everything felt different now. His jokes seemed funnier, his smile brighter. Even the way he talked to her after class was adorable. She was completely smitten.

Arshi felt a shift in her relationship with Shiv. He wasn't just a friend anymore; he was someone she could confide in, someone who made her feel safe and comfortable.

They started spending even more time together, Their conversations flowed easily, filled with shared laughter and a comfortable silence that spoke volumes.

Arshi felt a deep connection with Shiv blossom. Spending time with him felt effortless and joyful. His laugh filled her with sunshine, and his smile could melt away any worry. They shared secrets whispered under starry skies and dreams exchanged during lazy afternoons.

He was her confidante, her partner in crime, and the person who always made her laugh. Their connection felt special, a unique bond built on trust and shared experiences.

Arshi stole a glance at Shiv, his brow furrowed in concentration. A surge of protectiveness washed over her.

Arshi knew she would always be there for Shiv. She wanted to be his biggest cheerleader, his shoulder to cry on, and his partner in adventure. Their love story was just beginning, a journey filled with unwavering devotion and the promise of a future they would build together.

As the weeks turned into months, Arshi's feelings for Shiv intensified. He wasn't just someone she liked; he was someone she cared for deeply. They had built a world of shared jokes, inside references, and comfortable silences. The thought of being apart from him sent a pang through her heart.

Arshi's feelings for Shiv are growing stronger every day... They're learning more about each other every day, and their connection is growing stronger. What adventures await them next? 🎀🤧

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