Late - Night Chats

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Summer break had finally arrived, a welcome respite from the school routine. Arshi found herself with more free time than she knew what to do with. One night, stretched out on her bed with a book in hand, she glanced at her phone. It was late, well past midnight. To her surprise, a notification popped up - a text from Shiv.

A smile bloomed on Arshi's face. It had been a while since they'd had a proper conversation, and seeing his name on the screen instantly brightened her mood. She quickly typed out a reply, eager to see what he had to say.

Within minutes, a response buzzed back. It was a simple question - "What are you doing up so late?" Attached was a slightly teasing emoji.

Arshi chuckled to herself. Staying up late was kind of a secret habit of hers, one she wasn't sure Shiv knew about. She tapped out a quick response, "Just finishing up a book. What about you?"

The conversation flowed from there. They shared what they'd been up to during the break, their plans for the summer, and anything else that came to mind. Despite the late hour, neither of them seemed ready to sleep. Maybe it was the freedom of summer nights, or maybe it was just the ease of talking to each other.

As the conversation continued, Arshi found herself feeling comfortable and carefree. There was something about these late-night chats with Shiv that felt special, a time when they could just be themselves without any filters.

The beauty of this exchange was that it felt genuine and personal. It wasn't an over-the-top compliment or a cheesy pick-up line. It was Shiv, reaching out in a way that felt comfortable and familiar to Arshi. That's what made her heart skip a beat and a smile linger on her lips.


Uh oh, things just got interesting!!
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