A Hesitant Hello

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Shiv, recognizing Arshi's shyness, takes the initiative to reach out in a way that feels comfortable for both of them. Arshi, emboldened by Shiv's efforts, starts to feel a little more comfortable interacting with him.

The weight of Arshi's phone felt heavy in her pocket. Her message hung in the air, unanswered by Shiv. Doubt gnawed at her. Maybe he found her summer texts weird, or maybe he was just too busy with his friends.

The next morning, Arshi arrived at school, bracing herself for another day of awkward glances. But as she entered the classroom, a surprise awaited her. Shiv stood by her desk, a friendly grin on his face.

"Hey Arshi," he said, offering a casual high five. "How was your weekend?"

Arshi's heart skipped a beat. Shiv's simple greeting felt like a lifeline thrown across the social divide. She forced a smile, her voice a little shaky at first.

"It was good, thanks. How about yours?"

They chatted for a few minutes before class started, a brief exchange about their weekends. It wasn't the lengthy conversations of their summer texts, but it was a start. Throughout the day, Shiv would occasionally catch Arshi's eye and give a quick smile or a wave. These small gestures, filled with unspoken understanding, warmed Arshi's heart.


As summer faded into the routine of school days, a new feeling bloomed in Arshi's chest. Those late-night texts, the shared jokes, and Shiv's friendly greetings in the classroom - they all added up to something more. A realization dawned on Arshi: she had a crush on Shiv.

This realization came with a wave of emotions. Happiness bubbled up at the thought of spending time with him, but fear coiled in her stomach. What if confessing her feelings ruined their friendship? She cherished the connection they had built, and the thought of losing it was terrifying.

Around this time, Arshi noticed Shiv spending more time with one of his close friends. A pang of jealousy shot through her. Maybe Shiv liked her instead. Insecurities swirled in her mind, creating a story that might not even be true.

Despite her anxieties, Arshi can't help but steal glances at Shiv. Maybe she catches him looking at her too, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.


What's your favorite part so far? Do you think shiv likes her back? 😭😭

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