Back To School Jitterss

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The summer break ended in a blur, replaced by the familiar routine of school bells and crowded hallways. Arshi felt a pang of longing for those lazy summer days spent texting Shiv. However, as she settled into her seat, a familiar figure caught her eye. Shiv was there, a few seats down, chatting animatedly with his friends.

A nervous flutter filled Arshi's stomach. Throughout the summer, their texts had blossomed into a comfortable friendship. But here, in the real world, things felt different. They exchanged shy smiles and knowing glances, a silent acknowledgment of their summer connection. Yet, neither of them made a move to bridge the gap.

Arshi's shyness held her back. She longed to walk over and chat with Shiv, to recapture the ease of their summer conversations. But the idea of initiating conversation in a crowded classroom felt overwhelming.

Throughout the day, stolen glances and unspoken thoughts hung in the air. Arshi watched as Shiv laughed with his friends, a part of her wishing she was included in the conversation. But another part understood - he had his own social circle..

The school bell blared, signaling the end of the day. Arshi shouldered her bag, a knot of nervousness tightening in her stomach. She stole a glance at Shiv, surrounded by his friends as usual. Their summer connection felt like a distant memory in the bustling school environment.

As she reached home and picked up her phone. There was a text from Shiv. His message was short but laced with concern. something like:

"Hey, everything okay? You seemed kinda quiet today. You weren't your usual self in class.."

Arshi stared at the text, her finger hovering over the reply button. She wanted to explain, to tell him how much she'd enjoyed their summer chats and how nervous she felt talking to him now. But the words wouldn't come. Shyness held her back, a familiar barrier.

Taking a deep breath, she typed out a reply.
"Hey shiv, I'm sorry for today I wasn't well.. And ah I was a bit nervous, maybe we can chat outside of class sometime"

With a final tap, she sent the message. A knot of anticipation formed in her stomach. Would Shiv understand?


We've seen shiv and arshi interact more.. What do you think of their dynamic so far? 🤌🏻🥺

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