Butterflies and Blush

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Arshi shuffled through the front door after school, backpack heavy on her shoulders. Today, a simple "hi" was all she could muster for a text to Shiv. His reply buzzed on her phone a few moments later. A flicker of a smile played on her lips as she read it.

But the confusion from his words yesterday lingered. She sighed, tossing her bag onto the couch.

Grabbing her phone, she fired back a text.

"Hey, how'd you know that I liked you!?..." with a deep breath she sent the text and waited for his reply.

In few minutes shiv replied back "i knew it!! i could sense it by your gestures and the way you were around me" with a smile on his face he replied back

His words made her cheeks warm. Maybe her actions had spoken louder than she realized. A giddy feeling bubbled up inside her.

Arshi's confusion deepened as she remembered the cryptic reel Shiv had shared earlier. It had seemed so enigmatic at the time, but now his words took on a new meaning. Gathering her courage, she typed out her question..

"What about the reel you shared earlier the one ( "there are several things in world but you love the one who ignores you") what did u mean by it!? "
She hit send, hoping his answer would clear things up.

"I was giving you hints and signs, but it seems you didn't understand them. They had a deep meaning." shiv replied

Shiv's response came swiftly, his words appearing on the screen like a revelation. He had been giving her hints all along?

And then again a text from shiv came " it's that ah, I like you too, Arshi. Why are you making things complicated? "

[Arshi's heart skips a beat]

Her heart pounded in her chest as she read his final words. "I like you too, Arshi. Why are you making things complicated?" A rush of emotion surged through her, and for a moment, everything else faded away.

She stared at the screen, her breath caught in her throat, her heart skipping a beat at the realization of what he had just admitted...

Arshi stared at her phone, her heart hammering in her chest... She reread it a few times, trying to process his words.

This was completely unexpected! Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down... With a slightly trembling finger, she typed out a short reply.

"Whoa, hold on a sec..." she sent, hitting send and waiting for his response.

Shiv chuckled a little and replied with a cute emoji making arshi look like a tomato

And then he texted back "So, Arshi, how about you propose to me in your own style?"

Arshi is dumbfounded, still lost in thoughts unable to process everything that just happened. She sends Shiv stickers saying "I love you."

Arshi's heart raced with excitement as she read Shiv's response. Unable to contain her joy, she leaped off her chair and onto her bed, bouncing with glee. Her fingers danced across the screen as she typed out her reply, a wide smile lighting up her face.

Their conversation continued late into the night, filled with laughter, teasing, and a newfound sense of closeness. As Arshi finally drifted off to sleep, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn of events that had brought her even closer to Shiv.


Ohkk yaassss!!! So imma end this chapter here... How do y'all feel rn!!?? I mean stsksksks they both finallyyu confessed to each otherrr 😭🤌🏻

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