Jealousy | Modern AU | Fluff ig?

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"One black coffee and one latte please." A familiar voice that belonged to a certain ginger could be heard as he and his lover were at a mall, ordering a coffee before starting their day. When the coffee was ready, they went to a table near the edge of the cafe, next to a window, as they sipped quietly on their drinks, keeping the silent yet calming tranquility in the cafe. The brunette quickly drank all his coffee, breathing in deeply for air after, as he cut the silence like a sharp knife.
"Chibi, what do you want to do today?"
"I don't know, depends on-"
The other's phrase was quickly interrupted by a black-haired woman who wore a cream-coloured shirt and a pair of jeans under a tan apron, as she held up a small notebook.
"What would you like to order?" She said in an innocent tone as she looked at the two, specifically the shorter ginger. The brunette already had a bad feeling about her by her looks, and now the tone made him more suspicious and strangely annoyed.
"We already ordered, thank you." The brunette answered firmly, glaring at her as she looked back at him sharply, adding a small comment to his rather rude reply.
"I'm talking about desserts, and I wasn't talking to you." She looked back at the ginger with a annoying smile plastered on her face, but the latter, being as oblivious as he was, didn't get what either of them were implying, feeling rather weird inside.
"I'm fine thank you." The ginger replied, trying to sound as polite as possible, as she looked quite dissatisfied, annoying the brunette even more as he already hated everything about her.
"Alright then!", she said, still not going back to the counter. The brunette was even more furious, wanting this woman to leave them as she exchanged glances with the brunette, while the ginger looked at the two slightly frantically, who seemed to be having a staring contest. The ginger wanted to end this weird contest so he spoke up, in a rather small voice, as the two of them looked back softly, almost instantly changing their aura.
"So uh, do you need something?" The ginger asked politely as the other woman replied in a rather flirtatious tone.
"Can I get your number?" This made the brunette shoot a fierce look at her, as she smirked back at the brunette, being rather bold to ask a man straight up like that.
"No you can't." The brunette replied in place of the ginger.
"I wasn't talking to you."
"You can't have his number."
"Why? It's not up to you to choose, is it?"
"I don't fucking care."
The ginger instantly shot a look at the brunette, giving him a "be more polite" look as he failed to understand what was going on.
"Well you don't know if he wants to give his number or not, so best be quiet and let him answer." She said, showing a frustrated smile to the younger.
"Well I have all rights, because he is mine!"
The ginger gave a surprised and flustered look, which the brunette had to admit, he enjoyed, as the girl said in a rather irritated tone.
"Oh yeah? Prove it then!"
The brunette pulled the ginger closer to him as he placed him on his lap, his arms wrapping themselves around the older's waist, and pulling his face closer as their lips crashed together softly, the ginger's cheeks turning a bright and noticeable shade of pink, though accepting the kiss nonetheless. The woman looked in shock as she glared daggers at the brunette who only sat there, giving her a smug smirk while the ginger stayed on his lap, burying his face in the other's coat, resulting in the woman leaving while scoffing as she ran back up to the counter. The brunette gave a satisfied look to the woman who was looking at him furiously, as she was on the brink of kicking them out.
"What the fuck?! Why did you do that?!" The ginger whisper-yelled.
"Do you really not get it? You're mine and only mine." The older gave him an irritated look as he felt a blush creep up on his cheeks, finally understanding the weird aura around the younger and the waitress.
"You're so dense Chibi~" The younger started to tease, the older trying to make up a comeback.
"I am not! Besides, why did you have to act rude though? You could've just been jealous internally. No need to go through such problems."
"Because, then she would end up taking my adorable, tiny Chuu! I wouldn't want that, would I?"
"Whatever, come on, let's just go, Akutagawa and Atsushi are waiting for us." The shorter got up from his seat, walking out of the cafe while the taller relentlessly chased after him, panting while crouched when he caught up to the smaller.

Time skip~ ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

That same night, while the brunette was fast asleep, a certain ginger was wide awake, unable to sleep at the thought of what had happened that morning.
"Do you really not get it? You're mine and only mine." The older blushed at that comment, as it was repeating itself in his head, not leaving the older alone. He looked at the brunette. He looked so pretty, like a diamond among sapphires and emeralds, or even better, like a sole star in the bright and clear night sky. The smaller reached out for the taller, moving a few stray hair strands away from his face. The moonlight infiltrated from the window, shining onto the latter, illuminating the brunette, which gave his hair a bluish, glowy tint as his clear face was shining. It looked like a piece of art. The smaller only smiled at the sight, feeling grateful that this beautiful, majestic man was the one he fell for.
"Night 'Samu." He said, sliding into the sheets with the brunette, lying down beside him as the moonlight was the only thing brightening the room while two men slept soundly and comfortably.


Another Time Skip~


The next morning, as the brunette got out from the shower, about to stupidly go to the same cafe as yesterday, he laid his eyes upon a sleeping Chibi in the wild, who was snoring quietly and adorably, which made the said brunette smile soft-heartedly at this rare sight. He walked up to the ginger, moving his messy front hair out of place, and landing a small kiss on his forehead, before opening the bedroom door behind him, declaring something before leaving the house.
"Bye Chibi! I'm gonna go out to get your coffee!"
As he arrived at the cafe that was just next door, he entered as a slightly quiet bell rang, walking up to the counter. Unsatisfyingly for the brunette, the same waitress was there, and she was the one who was going to take his order.
"Ugh", she groaned, "what do you want?"
"Don't talk to my damn boyfriend ever again. If you do, I swear I will cut your neck and crack your bones to small pieces. Understood?"
"Ok geez, possessive man. Now, what did you come here for?"
"To get a coffee. One latte and one espresso with a little bit of sugar and only fresh cream."
As the coffee was being prepared, someone else walked into the cafe, the bell ringing once again, causing the brunette to look behind him to see who had entered, smiling at the sight. It was his lover, who was wearing one of his hoodies, hair slightly messy as he walked up to the taller, leaning his head on his arm.
"Finally up Chuu?"
"Mhm" was all that came out of the other's mouth, as the two went to an empty table, sitting down as the ginger tiredly rubbed his eyes, making the brunette chuckle, placing a soft kiss on the other's cheek.


Total word count: 1393


A/N: sorry if i didn't characterise them properly or realistically, just thought of this idea randomly, and wanted to make this a One shot! Also wanted to say Thank you guys so much for over 600 reads, I honestly thought that I would delete this whole book the first time I made it! Thank you again and have a good night/day!

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