Unexpected Visitor | Fluff | college AU

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"Dammit, I'm so fucking tired..."
The fatigued ginger thought as he changed his clothes from his college uniform to a (very) oversized hoodie, which reached his ankles. It looked more like a dress, but that was beside the point. He was up late studying again for upcoming exams. He wasn't the type to even study before an exam, but if he failed the exam, he wouldn't be able to get a good job and that would eventually disappoint his parents, which was the last thing he wanted. He plopped onto his bed, stuffing his face into his soft, cotton pillow, and grabbing his phone on the nightstand. The sound of his irritating ringtone played as his phone light flashed, signalling he had a call. He groaned in annoyance, looking to see the contact name, and immediately shut his phone off after reading the name.
Mackerel. He honestly had no strength nor motivation to deal with the annoying little prick, and decided to scroll on his phone, just lying on his bed tiredly. After a few seconds, he was greeted to a loud knocking noise on his door, specifically his dorm door. He didn't have any roommates, and wondered who it could've been, especially at 2 in the morning. He sluggishly opened the door, but irritatingly, was greeted to nobody. He closed the door slightly violently before turning around to a surprising sight, causing him to fall onto the floor in shock as he flinched.
"Hi Chuu! What'cha doing?"
"You scared the shit out of me! What are you even doing here?"
"I was bored sooo~ I came here! We can do lots of things, right Chibi~?" The taller brunette said, dragging the last part of the sentence, as if trying to imply something. It took quite a while for the oblivious one to realise what the younger was implying, before he yelled in embarrassment.
"Relax Chuu!", he said, plastering a smile on his face, "You're so dirty-minded!"
The brunette could see a slight pinkish tint growing on the other's cheek, as the latter had realised what he had just said. The taller one thoroughly looked at the smaller, noticing his messy ginger locks, the red oversized dress- no, hoodie, his tired ocean blue eyes, everything. His thoughts were interrupted when he realised the ginger was no longer there before hearing a certain door closing, and rushing to Chuuya's room.
"Chibi~I'm bored~"
"Go fuck yourself!"
"Can i fuck you?"
The brunette silently laughed at his reaction meanwhile the other, who was locked in his room, was blushing madly.
"What the hell?" He thought, not hearing the door unlock from the outside nor noticing the taller brunette standing in his room, right behind the ginger, who was sitting on his desk chair. He felt a pair of warm arms wrap his waist, and before having time to react, he was pulled by the brunette onto his bed, as they both laid there silently, a red tint visible on the shorter's cheeks, and a sly smile growing on the taller's lips.
"What are you..."
"Enjoying this Chuu? I can go even further if you like~" The younger said, dragging the last few words, as the older tried to find the words to respond.
"Wha- NO!"
"Calm down, Chuu-Chuu, I was kidding!"
The ginger felt embarrassed, the red shade getting more obvious, as the brunette laughed softly while looking over at the wooden table filled with stationary and books.
"Chibi, don't tell me you were up late studying again!" He put on a small playful pout, while the other tried his best to hold in his laughter at the sight of the other's pout, answering.
"I was, but I can't fail the test next week!"
"Well then, study during day!"
"I can't!"
"Because I have to deal with your bullshit!"
"That's so mean! Chibi is so rude!"
"Chibi~ let's watch a movie!"
"Do you need a reason for everything?!"
"Fine then, let's watch the movie. What do you wanna watch?"
"A horror movie!"
"Ok, let's go!"
As they both sat on the couch, the ginger got onto the brunette's lap, and sat there, both of them being covered by a blanket, choosing a film. Once the two were settled, they both got comfortable as the movie played. None of them were really scared, as various scenes came up. The ginger didn't stop complaining about how stupid the characters were, as the brunette kept on making little comments to the ginger's complaints.
"They're so fucking dumb! Just run faster!"
"Now now Chuu, I don't think you'd be able to run faster with those tiny legs of yours~"
The brunette wasn't quite focused on the movie as he looked down at his lover, his red hair glowing from the light of the TV screen, while said man didn't stop with the remarks. It was an adorable sight. The brunette's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a feeling of a heavy weight on his chest. He looked down to see his lover's head, rested on his own chest, as the latter was fast asleep, snoring quietly. He laughed to himself, lifting the other up as he carried said man bridal style towards his bed, where he placed him down, slipping under the sheets with him, as the two slept soundly with the moonlight entering, brightening up the room with a light blue shade.

A/N: Idk if you all enjoyed this, but I just felt like making it since I was out of ideas. Also, here's a little fluff after the angst! Also wanted to say, thank you all for more than 450 reads! I hope you all will continue to enjoy these oneshots and, have a nice day/night!

Total word count: 977

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