Seperation | Angst | School AU

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Things these days had been a little weird between Dazai and Chuuya. Dazai had been completely ignoring Chuuya, which irritated the other. They would no longer hang out,talk or even interact with each other anymore. Dazai was becoming more cruel and colder, which upset Chuuya, who tried to ignore the other.

Regarding their relationship with each other, it was quite surprising to him when the brunette had passed him a note. He wondered what the suicidal maniac wanted o of him, and out of pure curiosity, he read said note that was passed to him. He read the messy handwriting that brought memories of when they used to pass notes together, trying to hold back tears at the thought of the memories. The note read:
He responded by writing down what the other wanted from him.
"-What do you want?
-I don't want to be friends anymore."
He felt his heart race at that moment as his eyes read the note over and over again. He felt sick. The other blanked him out and ignored him for a week already and this is what he said after the hard time that Chuuya had to deal with? He felt angry, sad, confused and almost devastated.
"-Mackerel, wtf are you talking about?
-Don't call me that.
-Do you really want me to tell you why?
-Do it.
-You're not even human. It disgusts me to think that I would want to be friends with someone that isn't even human. So fuck off and leave me alone you disgusting piece of shit."
The ginger re-read the last note over and over again, feeling like he had just been stabbed. He was one of Chuuya's only friends, then he backstabbed him like it was nothing. His vision started blurring before he realised he had let tears fall out. This wasn't like him. He didn't want to be seen by neither Dazai nor the class, so he raised his hand and asked quietly if he could use the bathroom, which the teacher let him. He walked out of the class silently as more tears rolled down his cheeks. He trusted Dazai, and this was how he treated him? As he ran into a bathroom stall and locked the door, he started to sob silently, not expecting a knock only 5 minutes later. He thought it was Dazai, but he had to be sure, so he asked, his voice cracking as he gasped for air.
"Who is it?
A recognisable, soft yet dry voice replied as the knocking eventually stopped.
"It's Tachihara. The teacher told me to check on you since you took too long."
It was one of Chuuya's only friends who had come. The ginger unlocked the door slowly as the other opened the door, and saw Chuuya, who had messy hair, red cheeks and puffy eyes. It pained the younger to see one of his friends like this, and it was his instinct to start comforting the older.
"Hey, what happened? Did someone beat you?" He made sure to talk in the most calmest voice he could, trying not to push the other too far while the latter replied with a quiet "no".
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not really.."
"Are you feeling well?"
"My head hurts.."
"Let's go to the infirmary then."
The older only replied with a slight nod, before getting up with the help of the other, and slowly making their way to the infirmary. When the two got there, nobody was present, so the only thing they could do was wait patiently for the nurse to come back. As they did, the younger told the other to rest on the bed, which he did, before the younger spoke up, asking once again in the same soft, calm tone he used a while back then.
"Wanna talk about it?", the only reply he got was a slight shake of the head from the other boy.

Meanwhile, in the older one's head, the same words he read kept repeating in his head, only making him more sick and sad.
You're not even human. It disgusts me to think that I would want to be friends with someone that isn't even human. So fuck off and leave me alone you disgusting piece of shit.
His stomach turned as he tried to hold back tears. He didn't want to cry in front of the younger one, that would only make him weaker than he already felt. Every now and then, he would quietly try to breathe for air and repeat the same words in his head before he couldn't anymore. His vision was blurring once again as he realised that tears were once again falling from his eyes, as he sobbed quietly, which, to his disadvantage, the other heard, as he ran up to the older in concern. He wished he could do or even say something to help him, but he really didn't know what to do. Luckily, another teacher, Ango, had come in to the sight of a small hoy crying with the other hovering above him, trying to find words to calm him down.
"What's happened?" The teacher asked, while the younger answered in the other, who was wiping hush tears away.
"I don't really know, he said his head hurts so I brought him here and-"
"I'll call the parents."
"Ok." The latter answered quietly as the teacher picked up the phone, and explaining the current situation to the smaller's guardian, Paul Verlaine.

After about 10 minutes of waiting, the pale blonde-haired man entered the infirmary, and looked over at the small ginger, who was currently asleep, curled up in a ball on the bed while the younger one already went back to class. The blonde thanked the teacher for informing him about the current situation, as he picked up the boy and walked out of the room, heading to his car, where he placed the sleeping one.

A week had passed since what had previously occurred, and the ginger requested to switch dorms, so he was now moving in with an older woman, who was in the grade above him. She had long orange-pink hair, which she kept in a bun most of the time. Apparently her name was Kouyou, or something like that. Anyways, let's not get too into detail. In his 4th period, science, he had received a letter that he found under his desk. He slowly and nervously opened it up when the teacher wasn't looking, and read the letter. As he read the back of it, he instantly froze up. The words: "To Chuuya, From Dazai" were written on the back, but he didn't let it get to his head. He steadily turned the paper around, but the instant he read the first words, he wanted to rip the paper apart.
"Chuuya, I'm sorry what I said to you the other day. I wasn't thinking right when I wrote that. Forgive me?
His heart raced as he read the letter, he felt so frustrated, sad, angry. All sorts of emotions. He didn't know what to even do. He responded on a piece of paper before handing it to the brunette behind him, who deliberately read the words that struck him the exact same way they struck Chuuya a week earlier.
"Why the fuck should I even forgive you? You think that I'll casually just let anyone insult me, hurt me, backstab me and let them get away with it like nothing happened? You are a fucked up man Osamu Dazai. I hope you fucking die painfully." The letter read.

Total word count: 1335

A/N: I'm not making a part 2 of this story, so enjoy this ending! Also, I was very tired when I made this, so it isn't exactly perfect, and I'm sorry for it. Good night/day! And for those who are doing the Ramadhan, happy early Eid!

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