Chapter 16

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"How do you even know he'll come? You didn't exactly leave a map," I said.
"He'll find you. He'll need to if he doesn't want any harm to come to you," said one of my captors.
I had woken up about an hour ago. I had tried seduction, reason, appealing to their emotions, all that was left was taunting.
"He's going to burn you to a crisp when he gets here,"
"Oh please. He's too weak,"
"He's stronger than your precious Ozai and ten times the man!"
He whirled around and kicked me in the face from where I sat on the stone floor. I sat back up, licking the blood pouring out my lip, "No matter what you say, he's the Fire Lord. Ozai is rotting in prison and we're fucking in his bed!"
"Yup, that's Y/N alright," said a voice behind my captors.
Zuko next to her, hand over his face in embarrassment, probably rethinking coming to save me.
"Well, well, Prince Zuko!" the leader sang, "How's playing Fire Lord treating you, traitor?!"
Zuko conjured fire in both of his hands, "Let her go. I don't want to hurt you, but I will."
"Not gonna be that easy, pretender," the leader and two cronies summoned their own fire and two summoned lightening.
In an explosion of action they sprang at the others, Zuko and my friends jumping into battle. It was Zuko who got to me, burning off the ropes. He pulled me up, "Are you okay?"
"Fine, just a little dizzy,"
Just then a fireball shot towards us. Zuko caught it easily and extinguished it. We surveyed the room. Every one of the terrorists had been pinned, up to their necks in ice or rock, except their leader who continued throwing fire at Zuko.
"Stay out of this!" he snapped as Katara as she moved to help, "This is between me and him!"
"I'm impressed, poser! At least you're man enough to fight for your honor!"
He wound up and shot a bolt of lightening at Zuko, who deflected it—up into the ceiling. Rubble dropped onto the other bender, knocking him to the ground. When the dust cleared, Zuko loomed over him, "You're right. I do fight for my honor. I fight for the people I love and most of all—my country. And that's why. This. Is. Over."
"You gonna kill me now? Cover all this up?"
"No, that would go against my honor. You can say what you want, but you're a Fire Nation citizen too, so I'm sworn to protect you. But know this, if you hurt my family again...I won't hesitate."

Sorry for the short chapter. We'll be moving on to a new adventure next time.

Everything Changed (Zuko x Reader)(Conclusion to the Torn Heart trilogy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang