Extra chapter: Ella and Ty

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Ty had pulled her up before Ella could react to what had just happened. The world around her was now also in turmoil she was not really sure what was going on anymore. Drogo was gone. What was it that he just said?

Ella could feel someone pulling her trying to get her out of the way of something. But she was unable to move her legs. He had talked about Ajal Ella thought. Why had he done that? Or had he done that? She was not allowed to think more about it before Ty's face showed up in front of her. It looked like he was screaming at her trying to tell her something. He seemed angry, no not angry frustrated. She looked confused at him. Ella blinked a couple of times not looking away from Ty's distressed face.

What did he want?

A sudden movement to her left followed by an ear deafening sound pulled her back to the cavern. Ty's voice filed her ears together with screams and gunshots echoing throughout the room.

"Ella lets go. Move it" Ty shouted at her face. When the realization hit all she could do was nod. Ty noticed her sudden change and shouted once again so he would be heard over the turmoil around them.

"Are you with me?" Ella nodded again.


With that word Ty grabbed her arm and started to guide her towards the exit. She followed the best as she could and dodged when he told her to. Ella looked around trying to locate Luci and James. But they were no were to be found in the chaos surrounding them. There was one thing Ella did notice and that was the man preparing to fire his gun at Ty. Without thinking she pushed Ty to the ground the moment the gun went off. Ella clenched her eyes waiting to feal the pain of the bullet. But nothing. It hadn't hit her. Thankful, she got up and met Ty's eyes he was grasping his left shoulder and that's when Ella noticed the blood sipping out between his fingers. Fuck she thought, but before she could do anything someone grabbed hold of Ty pulling him away from her. She let out a scream as the panic hit her, she desperately tried to get a hold of Ty while crawling after him on the hard stone floor, but her hands just grabbed air. The chaos around her kept going and without Ty Ella knew she would not get out of this alive. As the last word left her mind something hard hit her in the side and pulled the air out of her. She tried to get a hold of it again while she struggled to get back up to her feet. The panic in her grew stronger as she noticed three men moving towards her but before she could blink all three was lifeless at her feet. Ella turned to her right and was meet by one of the twin's smiles. He took a hold of her arm.

"Hello Miss. Ella, mind coming with me" as he said the word he started to quickly drag her towards the staircase. He was moving to fast for her leaving Ella to almost trip over her own feet multiple times.

As they reached the staircase, he almost threw her into Ty's arms, who were waiting for them. Ty grabbed a steady hold of her with his uninjured arm and started to drag her once again up the staircase. As Ella looked behind them, she noticed the twin who had saved her was following close behind making sure no one else was following him. All three of them almost fell out of the door and onto the pavement, as the cold morning air hit Ella she finally managed to take a deep breath again.

Ella didn't notice when Ty let go of her as she stumbled away from the door taking long deep breaths. She ended up on the sidewalk where she decided it would be a good place to have a seat for a couple of minutes. The ground was just as cold as the one inside the cavern but somehow it gave her a kind of comfort feeling the rough surface underneath her fingers as her hands touched the ground. It gave her the breathing room to gather her mind and swallow what had just happened.

Ella sat there for a while and just stared at her feet her mind had started to calm down and the sounds around her didn't seem so far away anymore. She could hear conversations and cars moving around her. She could make out familiar voices giving commands and asking questions, but it was not until she heard Ty's voice amongst the masses that she finally looked up. The scene around her was not what she had expected. The once empty street was now filed with men and women running around dragging other people between them, some of them in handcuffs others covered in blood. As Ella looked around at the organized chaos around her did the situation finally dawn on her. Her eyes landed on Ty by one of the cars, it looked like someone had helped him stop the bleeding from the bullet wound. Because his shoulder was wrapped up in white gauze that was slowly turning red. He was talking to one of the twins, but it didn't seem like the conversation was going well. In the end he stood up and walked away his steps led him in her direction. Ella looked up at him as he kneeled down next to her.

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